Crashes (probably) while doing background EPG updates (tvh pvr.hts) (LE8+KODI git)

  • Hey there,

    for at least some days now i notice crashes with my clean LE8 git master builds (+xbmc git master).

    I created a trac ticket - maybe anyone has a hint to find out if it's really a KODI or a LE, pvr.hts or even a TVH issue.

    #16909 (Crashes (probably) while doing background EPG updates (tvheadend pvr.hts)) – Kodi - TRAC

    Since mit git skills regarding reverting larger PRs are limited, i couldn't revert [Estuary][PVR] PVR home screen widgets: Misc fixes and improvements by ksooo · Pull Request #10438 · xbmc/xbmc · GitHub to see if it's really an issue with this PR.

    Any hint/help/information welcome.

    Thanks very much.

    Edited once, last by uselibreelec (September 19, 2016 at 5:36 PM).

  • More testing: After ruling out some stuff 1 by 1, i suspect that the pvr.hts 3.4.7 zip from the LE repo may be causing the issue. I now included pvr.hts 3.4.7 in my own build like Milhouse does and will see if the crashes are gone. I could not reproduce the crashes on Milhouse' build (only tested 2,5 hours, but well).

    Will report! Thanks.

  • milhouse

    This info seems to be relevant for your latest LE8 git changes.

    recently you changed to KODI git 6e9d6fb (which is only 2 days old - so quite up to date)

    "pvr.hts 3.4.7 zip" in the LE-8.0 repo has been built end of August (2016-08-31), so quite some time before the recent pvr changes (which were ~10 days ago)

    The file from the repo works in basic terms, but seems to cause these annoying crashes in some situations - most likely because it has not been built against the newer KODI git.
    Of course - the problem is not present in your build, because pvr.hts is freshly built and included...

    Makes sense? My testing suggests so - but a confirmation would be great. Still learning : - )

    If confirmed, i'd be be great if you could ping someone who typically updates/rebuilds the pvr.hts repo zip. Thank you!

    Edited once, last by uselibreelec (September 20, 2016 at 1:21 AM).

  • The new Kodi package 6e9d6fb (Kodi 17 Beta2) will be in 7.90.006 and, when released (it's still in internal testing), the LibreELEC repo will be updated to include the latest matching pvr.hts. I'm not sure why the currently available version of pvr.hts is crashing, but hopefully that's now been sorted in the month since we released Kodi 17 Beta 1 (7.90.005).

  • Thanks for the info. Makes sense. "End users" which use the officially downloadable 7.90.005 should have a matching zip in the repo.

    As far as i can see there actually is nothing to be sorted out (?) As soon as the same pvr.hts 48b2e26 (which should be the state of the the repo zip) is freshly build against latest kodi git master instead of an too old state, the problem disappears the same way the inputstream.mpd crashing issues disappeared some weeks ago when there were changes regarding inputstream in the kodi core which caused the need for the inputstream.mpd addon to be rebuild (also without changing the addon version number itself).

    So let's just hope most of the people self building LE git master just include pvr.hts right into their builds (as you do, too) and besides that let's wait for 7.90.006 to update the repo zip. :- )

    Edited once, last by uselibreelec (September 20, 2016 at 2:14 PM).