Hi there,
is there any possibility to install an Chrome or Chromium-Browser on an RPI3B+ and LibreElec with Kodi?
I have found several opinions and ways to install on LibreElec and Kodi but not in connection with an RPI3B+.
Some people say its not possible cause the Chromium and Chrome-Browser is only available for x86-architectures.
But the normal "Google" Chrome-Browser for example on Windows OS is available also for x64-architectures.
Why then isn't a possibility to install x64 Chrome on RPI3B+ with LibreElec and Kodi?
And are there any plans about to make it available for it?
It would be very nice to have any Browser on Kodi, when you use it in your car. So you dont have to switch SD-Cards
any time.
I'm glad about your answers.
Sascha K.