Installed 2 days ago, been very very impressed with Kodi so far on the Pi, astoundingly reliable considering the little machine specifications.
Used it for 8 hours yesterday, no issues.
Got back home tonight and tried playing an episode and it just sat with the spinning dial as if it couldn't access the file, couldn't cancel either. UI seemed locked up.
Note: Ethernet, not wifi, my file server was up and working fine, I could still ping the Pi.
I had a terminal session (SSH) still running and managed to capture a shot of top, something had gone haywire.
Long story short, is this common? Anyone else seen this? Is it a simple fix - a reboot fixed the Pi, however I'd prefer to not have to do periodically. (Especially considering how otherwise quite good it is)
Alternatively, is there a way to reboot the Pi, once every 12 hours, IF the screensaver is active??
EDIT: CRON does work, I'm a fool.
What is the _best_ command to reboot Kodi / LibreElec *cleanly* so that no files or databases are damaged?