Another Bletooth Adapter Not Found question...

  • Ive searched and read about my RasPi 3b having questionable BT but...

    I just bought a cheap BT gamepad Im trying to use. Under settings it says BT Disabled (which its not). So I go down and turn it off then on and then in the BT tab it says Adapter Not Found. I have wireless networks on (even though I use hard wired). Im guessing that Im missing something simple... have never used the BT before. Any hints?


  • As your topic title already confirms, you're not the only one with this problem. For some reason, Bluetooth has its quirks and the adapter will randomly disappear. It's not just game pads, it's also doing the same to BT speakers and headphones. If you have a hardwired network connection, you may as well disable the wifi. It seems to lessen the burden a bit on the wireless comm-chip on the RPi.

    AFAICT, we simply haven't found the magic fix yet. It could be something LibreELEC, it could be something Linux. Sorry.