RFID Project - Starting a movie via a RFID card in LibreELEC

  • Hi Guys,

    I plan to set up a media player with the Raspberry Pi. The player is for my disabled daughter and should therefore be very simple. The idea is that she can start a film using RFID cards.

    These cards are printed with the movie poster, so that she can recognize which movie even without reading the text.

    The RDIF cards should simply be held to the reader, with the latter then handing over the unique ident number to the Raspberry and, in the best case, Libreelec then plays the film from the NAS server.

    I'm not a programmer so I need a little bit of help!

    Hallo Leute,

    Ich plane, einen Media Player mit dem Raspberry Pi einzurichten. Der Spieler ist für meine behinderte Tochter und sollte daher sehr einfach sein. Die Idee ist, dass sie einen Film mit RFID-Karten starten kann. Die RFID-Karten werden mit dem Filmplakat bedruckt, so dass sie den Film auch ohne Lesen vom Text erkennen kann.

    Die RDIF-Karten sollten einfach an den Leser gehalten werden, wobei dieser die eindeutige Ident-Nummer an de Raspberry übergibt und im besten Fall dann Libreelec den Film vom NAS-Server abspielt. Da ich kein Programmierer bin, brauche ich ein bisschen Hilfe!

    Liebe Grüße

    Chrisly :shy:

    • Official Post

    There is an old thread about something similar Kodi Forum

    Seems to suggest a NFC capable smart phone should be able to do it.

    This is a bit beyond the scope of LE but I'm sure others might be able to add some additional information - or maybe someone else has already done it.

    • Official Post

    The major purpose of the Raspberry Pi is to make people start programming. Your project is doable, but you have to learn programming.

    Part 1: Find a way to start a movie from command line by entering a command with a unique movie ID as argument. (maybe use MySQL)

    Part 2: Write a LibreELEC add-on, which permanently reads your connected RFID reader, and sends a command (see part 1) when a card is near the reader.

    Especially part 2 needs programming skills. To my knowledge, such an add-on doesn't exists.

    Do you really want many hours of serious work just to have the luxury of a card-triggered movie player?

  • this is likely working rather easily at LE too, mainly depending if we ship already the drivers for the RFID reader, otherwise you just need some bash script that does

    if rfid = 1234
    curl --user username:password --header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ -X POST --data-binary ‘{ “jsonrpc”: “2.0”, “method”:" Player.Open", “params”: { “item”: { “file”: “Music/Artist/music.mp3” }, “playerid”: 0 }, “id”: 1}’ ‘’

    Creating and sending a JSON Object for POST HTTP Request - Piston: Design Help - webCoRE Community Forum

    doesn't looks too complicated, a bit bash scripting is ofc involved