Custom oemsplash. File structure on S905 box before/after installtointernal

  • *I know installtointernal is not officially supported, but I would like answers at my own risk* 😈😈😈

    1. Does /storage represent the internal storage on the TV box?

    2. Where is the SD card/USB stick represented?

    3. Where is /flash located? Part of TV box internal memory or the SD card/USB stick itself?

    4. How does file structure change after installtointernal as seen via, say, WinSCP login?

    That is, from where are files copied on SD card/USB to TV box internal memory running $installtointernal ?

    I can open the /usr/sbin/installtointernal file (kszaq) from the symlink seen on the TV box side logging in via WinSCP.

    5. Now if I want to change the oemsplash screen to a custom one (say the custom oemsplash.png is in .kodi/userdata), where should I place the appropriate (?) commands in the installtointernal file?

    $ mount -o remount,rw /flash

    $ cp /storage/.kodi/userdata/oemsplash.png /flash/oemsplash.png

    I want to be careful since there are some overwrite and data partition commands I should not mess with !

    I came up with this idea since the custom oemsplash.png must be copied into /flash to override the LE oemsplash.png file which is in /boot (and thus cannot be changed without a recompile.)

    Edited 2 times, last by shippy (December 8, 2018 at 1:12 AM).

  • 1. /storage represents one of several probable partitions on the internal emmc

    2. depends on the kernel, but /dev/mmcblk0 or /dev/mmcblk1 - check with blkid

    3. if booting from emmc it's on emmc .. and if using sdcard it's on sdcard

    4. it looks exactly the same, because it's exactly the same OS, only installed to different storage media

    5. uboot splash isn't easily changed, oemsplash.png in /flash will change the LE splash, kodi splash is separate again

    If the whole point of all those questions was changing the splash, all you need to do is boot the box after install and remount /flash rw and copy oemsplash.png to /flash. No need to edit the read-only installtointernal file unless you deliberately want to make everything complicated.

  • Thanks for the answers.

    Yes I have updated to custom oemsplash using WinSCP, but if I could insert those commands in installtointernal at the appropriate place, it would automate the process as one step.

    I browsed the installtointernal file- doesn't look complicated but I was looking for a dev answer before my own amateur attempts 😃😈😎

  • Your definition of easier requires a multi-hour compile of a new image vs. 2 minutes work copying the oemsplash.png file. Unless you're doing some kind of bulk changes to many boxes (which means you're some kind of dodgy pirate box seller and you should go suck lemons) it's a sledgehammer to crack a walnut.

  • Your definition of easier requires a multi-hour compile of a new image vs. 2 minutes work copying the oemsplash.png file. Unless you're doing some kind of bulk changes to many boxes (which means you're some kind of dodgy pirate box seller and you should go suck lemons) it's a sledgehammer to crack a walnut.

    I am not a box seller but a tinkerer- and believe me nobody is interested in selling LE boxes when plain Kodi boxes sell well without the multihour sledgehammer work you suggest !

    In any case I am going to experiment myself- at worst I will brick a $30 box. At best I learn some easy trick- I am sure placing those 2 commands somewhere after the system/kernel/dtb copy in installtointernal script will do the trick 😇