- Official Post
This is the error. It's pointing to a non-existing path. I cannot install anything from the Libreelec repository.
I see that you didn't update to latest version. If you would, addons would be taken from amlgx.libreelec.tv Check first post for updates.
Has anyone tried what happens with the H2+? I just figured out there are still some "H3" TV boxes around which used to have an H2+ in the past
so better ask first not order first
I didn't try it yet with LibreELEC, but I couldn't find any downside of H2+ compared to H3 in the past. I guess it have lower performance, but don't take my word for it. BTW, I don't want to support any board/TV box which is not in Linux kernel and only TV box supported is Beelink X2. If you would like something else, please send patches to Linux first. As I said before, I don't want to carry patches forever.
How well do those Allwinner devices handle fractional frame rates? Are there any issues?
Wasn't that general issue with Kodi?