[SOLVED] Copy files to /etc - directory is read-only

  • Hi,

    I'm just working on my Raspberry Pi 3 B+ and Kodi project. Today I connected a HD44780 Display directly to the GPIO as shown in many tutorials in the www. I have downloaded the hd44780.so File for Raspberry Pi and prepared the LCDd.conf file as seen in the tutorial, installed the required add-ons and did everything else. But the "Enable LCD driver support" menu entry in Kodi is missing, it's not even shown, and the display doesn't show anything but white blocks. I've tried some troubleshooting hints and noticed that when I try to execute the LCDd command via the SSH command line, it says the /etc/LCDd.conf file is missing and aborts. So it seems to me I have to copy the LCDd.conf file to the /etc directory to make LCDd work properly, but the cp command says that the /etc directory is read-only and I can't copy files into it.

    Now I'm a little helpless about what to do, can anyone give me some advice?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Did you installed LCDd addon? If not do it. Then edit file LCDd.conf in addon home folder /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.lcdd/.

    If you run LCDd from command line you need to use path to config file

    LCDd -f -c /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.lcdd/LCDd.conf
  • Did you installed LCDd addon? If not do it. Then edit file LCDd.conf in addon home folder /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.lcdd/.

    If you run LCDd from command line you need to use path to config file

    LCDd -f -c /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.lcdd/LCDd.conf

    that's a very interesting post. I'll try as soon as possible and give feedback. Thank you very much!

  • Thanks to all answers - it finally works. First I tried vpeter's command that brought an error message about a missing driver. Then I searched the forum as recommended by Iridium and found out that the common driver file causes a known issue in LibreELEC. Fortunately there was a download link to a patched driver file, which replaced the old one. Added vpeter's command to autostart.sh, and now everything is fine.

    Thank you very much!

  • You don't need to add anything to autostart.sh file because LCDd is service addon and starts automatically. You just need to set driver name in addon settings.