CEC Adapter

  • Hi there,

    Quick question about the CEC Adapter settings.

    I’m running LE on s912 box. I can control most functions with my tv remote. I am hovever unable to do a long OK to bring up the context menu. Can someone tell me what setting needs to be enabled for this?


  • It's possible that CEC doesn't understand a thing like 'long-press'. It doesn't work via my TV, but it is an older (2012) TV.

  • What makes you think that long press Ok is context menu?was it working before?

    In most CEC instances there is no CEC context button enabled by default and all you have to do is map a button on your remote...Use a button that you don't normally use for anything else kodi related...

    Start by installing Keymap Editor addon from kodi repo..and map a global-navigation-context menu button that works anywhere in kodi unrelevant of what window you are on..