I tried LibreELEC on rock64 and found kwiboos version working quite well. I only stumbled over the problem that I could not get the box started without a device being connected and powered on at the hdmi connector. The error message in kodi is the following:
07:23:09.239 T:4089572800 ERROR: CDRMUtils::FindConnector - could not get connector: No such device
07:23:09.490 T:4089572800 ERROR: CWinSystemGbm::InitWindowSystem - failed to initialize Atomic DRM
07:23:09.759 T:4089572800 ERROR: CWinSystemGbm::InitWindowSystem - failed to initialize Legacy DRM
07:23:09.759 T:4089572800 FATAL: CApplication::Create: Unable to init windowing system
It seens to come from here
Is there a way to get kodi running without having a hdmi device connected and powered on? I'd like to listen to music only sometimes without powering up the projector the rock64 is connected to.