NUC freeze and stoppage of video / BOXDCCP847DYE

  • Hey all. I've been running this NUC for the past 4 years or so. Recently I updated to 8.2.5 and immediately started to experience video freezes, with eventually it stopping. Happens with or without hardware acceleration enabled.

    The attached debug log has the error occuring somewhere around the 20:07 timestamp.

    Any help on a configuration to try is much appreciated,

    EDIT: to be fare, originally when i upgraded and the freezing started to occur, I formatted and installed fresh which did not change the outcome of the problem.

  • How are the videos accessed ?

    Locally or network ?

    Wired or wireless ?

    Locally over a wired network, from my personal NAS.

    Update to the 8.90.003 alpha release and retest. Even if we manage to guess what the issue is/was in 8.2.5 it will never be fixed in that release and the alpha codebase is 12+ months newer.

    OK I am game. It can't hurt :)

    EDIT: Stupid question. Where is this release? The Preview page only displays up to 8.2.0

    EDIT2: nvm i see its available from within the prior build. tks

    Edited once, last by z-vap: added two questions (August 16, 2018 at 10:10 PM).

  • The Freezing was occurring on the 8.9 Alpha build also. The video playback was horrendous no matter what settings I chose so I went back 8.2.5.

    I did a lot of video tweaking and nothing was helping. I then noticed immediately after it freezes, I can still pause the video. If it sits there for a minute it quits, on its own. THEN If I attempt to re-choose the video it tells me that the "File is no longer available, would you like to remove it from the library?" Naturally I say no. It was doing this all the time but I was so frustrated I wasn't even paying attention. If i choose another video it says the same thing!!! After a minute or two the ability to choose the video to resume playing is successful and I can play til the next freeze, sometimes after 10 minutes sometimes after a minute.

    So I then decided to move a video to the /Storage/video location on the NUC itself and It plays fine throughout. I did notice a gentle stutter but forgivable considering the circumstances.

    Kodi from windows plays fine. Other video apps play ffne. Seems to be streaming from libreelec that is having the issue. I didn't see any cache settings or network setting that I could change or tweak to make it better or go away. Is there anything you can think of that may help here?

  • Gigabit network ?

    Do ALL videos stutter or just some ?

    Do you use SMB to access shares ?

    I run (2) 5-year old i5 Intel NUC's and access my files stored on a Windows 10 Desktop Server and 1 gigabit wired network. I have no issues at all.

  • I think the stutter may be a video configuration issue or something. I can't recall how I had it before but I'll probably figure it out.

    But I am glad to say that I figured out the freezing of the NUC. I "believe" my "network antenna" (HDHomerun) was flooding my system with too much traffic. I stumbled across a post from the Synology website where someone was having the same issue and he discovered when he powered off his Network Antenna and rebooted his nas the problem disappeared. I did the same thing, and haven't had a problem since.

    We had a power outage and it seemed shortly after that this whole thing started. It must have sent the HDR into a tailspin.

    Are the video settings stored in the ./Userdata/ anywhere? I did copy that stuff. Perhaps I can harvest the settings from there...?

  • If you want to waddle through the guisettings.xml file (which is not recommended), it's up to you. But the correct display refresh and audio sync settings in the Kodi GUI menu should be enough to undo any 'normal' stutters with h.264 1080p videos.