LibreELEC 8.x images for additional dvb drivers

  • Some LE 7.90.009 (Kodi 17 Beta 6) testfiles
    - Kernel 4.9.0
    - all "normal" DVB drivers + current latest TBS drivers (hopefully this works)
    - Geniatech T230C drivers, this include some fixes for T230 (without C) as well !
    - hopefully working Nvidia and Nvida Legacy drivers

    pls use with caution and do a backup before !!

    Generic (Intel/AMD/Nvidia) LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-7.90.009-4.9.0-TBS-T230C-0.2.img.gz
    RPi2/3 LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-7.90.009-4.9.0-TBS-T230C-0.2.img.gz

    Just install/Update (!! do backups !!), nothing to select or configure !

  • There was no device in tvheadend webinterface

  • in system, along the bottom where you have Settings, File Manager, Libreelec etc etc, one of them should say dvb drivers or something like that.
    if you don't see it, you may have used wrong image i guess?

    Yes, I don't see dvb drivers addon in this image:

    What image did you use?

    Some LE 7.90.009 (Kodi 17 Beta 6) testfiles
    Just install/Update (!! do backups !!), nothing to select or configure !

    does it mean there is no dvb drivers addon?

    Edited once, last by bam (December 14, 2016 at 7:04 PM).

  • There was no device in tvheadend webinterface

    damn missed a patchfile, should now be fixed I hope :) (pls update to 0.2)

    does it mean there is no dvb drivers addon?

    Yes, there are the TBS drivers patched in - just update to it and it "should" work ootb. Pls try the new version from here

    not working T230C should be fixed now! (added 0.2 to filename)
    Index of /Test/
    Generic: LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-7.90.009-4.9.0-TBS-T230C-0.2.img.gz
    RPi2/3: LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-7.90.009-4.9.0-TBS-T230C-0.2.img.gz

  • not working T230C should be fixed now! (added 0.2 to filename)
    Generic: LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-7.90.009-4.9.0-TBS-T230C-0.2.img.gz

    Doesn't work either - dvb adapter absent:

    after running this image, the T230 dongle needs power-reset cycle to return to the working state on previous 008 image. No way to make it working on this 009 image anyway.. Something seriously broken. CvH, could you provide the sources with your changes?

    Edited once, last by bam (December 15, 2016 at 3:00 AM).

  • Just try this image and not working.

    Damn it, something completely off :/ I have to check.

    do I need to update to this to

    absolutely NOT ! this are very very immature test images !!

    Doesn't work either - dvb adapter absent:

    I guess I fucked up my build environment, currently rebuilding :( (basically master + changes at the T230C patch)

  • It could be useful on debugging stage - at least until people confirm that most common dvb adapters work..
    It's not quite convenient to upgrade through ssh, etc. when the images follows one-by-one frequently, as now..

  • OK folks,
    I love this build and it works great for me - apart from my remote control.
    I have a dvbsky s850 card which is supported by this build nicely. However the way I had my remote setup previously when I was running Lubuntu under kodi was to use a simple ir-keytables configuration to take the raw keypresses and translate them into Kodi keyboard controls. Worked like a dream on my old system. I tried simply copying over my and my remote config file and only a few keys worked.
    Turns out that the KERNEL now supports my remote using rc-dvbsky.c. This means that it uses a complex chain from ir-keytable to LIRC so even disabling LIRC on boot fails to get my setup working or to override the KERNEL driver. Bummer.

    I have been advised that the best way to get this working is to go back to the original sources and modify the KERNEL remnote driver directly before doing a recompile. However in order to do this mammoth task (for me since I have never compiled a KERNEL before) I cannot modify the plain vanilla KERNEL, I need to modify the dvbdriver version of the KERNEL sources.

    So where could I find these sources ???


  • TBS6221 does not work

    SAA7160 (the PCIe chipset) is know as not working atm, because the TBS drivers refuse to build at the current Kernel for this card :/ (I already reported the problem, no reaction from TBS yet)
    you could try this file LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-7.90.009-testimage-for-not-working-tbs-0.2.img.gz (tbs via media_build installed - not too sure that ass7160 is working there)

    It could be useful on debugging stage

    Yes but it is a bit more work then just "click here" ;) you just need to put the LE.img.gz into the update folder and reboot, not that problematic I think.

    Just try this image and not working.

    pls try LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-7.90.009-testimage-for-not-working-tbs-0.2.img.gz and LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-7.90.009-4.9.0-TBS-T230C-0.3.img.gz