Create symlink in / to NFS mount in storage

  • Hi everyone. I'm trying to make libreelec as another instance of centrak kodi server. I have that server configured with mysql (mariadb) and exported shares with NFS. The point is that in the server the media folders are under /mnt folder, so I need the same structure in my libreelec box (libreelec 8.2.5 in Odroid C2). I want to mount the shares under /storage/mnt and symlink from /mnt to this point (/mnt -> /storage/mnt) but / is readonly and I don't find anywhere that it's explained how to mount it as rw or just make de symlink and put it there, ¿can anyone help me? Sorry about my poor english. Thanks in advance.

  • No, just mounting in libreelec the NFS exports from de server. The server has the mysql also (I will configure advancedsettings.xml to access from libreelec to it), but in the database the paths to the media files are like /mnt/... so they have to be the same in libreelec to access the files.

  • I mean, the server shares the files and the database, so in libreelec I see the same as in the server and can resume and see the same state of the movies/tv shows/music in both kodi instances.

  • Yeah, thanks, I think that could be the solution, but that raises new questions: it only affects to the paths in database (it replaces only the paths stored in database)? May I add the folders as sources or with this is enough? If I add a file (from /storage/mnt/..) it will make the inverse substitution? Thanks!

  • Use the example NFS mount service in /storage/.config/system.d/ to mount the NFS shares. Use path substitution to tweak paths to match the DB entries if needed. You don't need to configure sources in the LE instance of Kodi unless you want to update/scrape sources from LE. If you only want to watch DB content sources.xml entries are not required.