ODroid C2 + Libreelec WLAN Dongle

  • Hi,

    im looking for an working USB WiFi Dongle for my ODroid C2 running Libreelec (Aarch64). I have an edimax WLAN Dongle that worked Out of the Box with an Raspberry Pi but not with Libreelec. Maybe somebody is running Libreelec with an WLAN Dongle.

    How about


    Edited once, last by GodHunt3r (July 8, 2018 at 7:43 PM).

  • Hmm. I have a edimax Wifi dongle and it works perfectly on my hardware, but I don't have an ODroid so I cannot comment on that H/W.

    Can you supply the output of:

    lsmod | paste

    lsusb | paste

    dmesg | paste

    It's possible that RT5572 is unsupported in the C2 image or you are using the wrong dtb file.