G-Box Q2?

  • Yes it is. My Gbox Q2 previously had OpenElec installed but I came home from work a few days ago and when I turned my box on I automatically received an OTA update which installed LibreElec in its place. Other than setting up the video and audio settings again all of my addons and other settings were all spot on. It is a little buggier than openElec but its a newer project so its expected but nothing to worry about. I just leave my auto updates turned on and it sorts itself out whenever a major update is released.

  • i installed libreelec on my matricom Qbox Q2 version 2 this morning and it is working very well. the only thin that is not working is the volume control on the remote. I found this topic by googling libreelec and tried one version and it had no remotes working. then i read on that there was another version for kerber snd i used that one today and the box is screaming now.I would prefer to use SPMC instead of Kodi,but,until this is included in the build,I guess i'll use kodi for now.

    thanks for a great program! :)

  • I have installed the same on my Matricom G box Q2.

    The video calibration settings do not save.

    The remote works ok, except for a few issues with the volume and the menu button.

    Does anyone have a fix for the video calibration issue?

  • I also experienced issues with the remote however this is easily fixed by using one of the key mapping addons available. Google it and you will find the details of the addon

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

    Edited once, last by 32BitLord (January 2, 2017 at 12:51 PM).

  • I just flashed my G-Box 2 last night and the remote works fine, but the buttons for Home and Menu control the volume and the Volume buttons on the remote control System Info. The mute button works fine and everything else works just fine. Now I'm just waiting for 8.0!

  • This is so newbie but I'm struggling to find the right LibreELEC file to put on my Q (M8) and Q2 (M8S)... I tried to put and IMG onto an SD and use the toothpick method but I'm not sure I'm doing the right thing.

    Just a quick pointer to some instructions would be great. I'm coming from Matricom stock ROMs on both boxes.