Got another one for the group that is throwing me for a loop PlayStation roms will not launch when using the emulationstation or pegasus front ends but they will launch just fine if i use retroarch there's gotta be something rather simple I would assume that I am missing here, just not too sure what it is also with multi disk games what is the proper naming convention that needs to be used to "stack" the files so each disk does not show up in the front ends (if thats even possible) thanks all.
LibreELEC-RR 9.x [ Emulationstation | Retroarch | Pegasus | DolphinQT | Moonlight | Chrome | Spotify ]
5schatten -
June 16, 2018 at 1:47 PM -
Closed -
Thread is Resolved
Got another one for the group that is throwing me for a loop PlayStation roms will not launch when using the emulationstation or pegasus front ends but they will launch just fine if i use retroarch there's gotta be something rather simple I would assume that I am missing here, just not too sure what it is also with multi disk games what is the proper naming convention that needs to be used to "stack" the files so each disk does not show up in the front ends (if thats even possible) thanks all.
Sony - PlayStation (Beetle PSX HW) - Libretro Docs
Sony - PlayStation (Beetle PSX HW) - Libretro Docs
You should use a pair of bin+cue fles for psx -> if you still run into trouble provide the emulationstation+retroarch log file.
Here is the most recent log file:
External Content pastebin.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy. -
Here is the most recent log file:
External Content pastebin.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.1. this is not a Retroarch logfile
2. you don't use .cue files as I suggested and needed for beetle-psx
3. you probably didn't read the linked libretro psx wiki
I can pair them with your build from 20190423
But not in latest testbuild 20190522.
What log do you need?
Update to the latest build & reboot your system to clean all logs. Enable debug logging for Kodi.
1. try to connect your controller that was paired before -> grab the in logfiles
2. reboot again & delete the paired controller
3. try to pair the controller again -> grab the in logfiles
This should provide an overview what could be wrong at the pairing & connecting state. The logfiles zips are needed because several logfiles contain information what's going on, the LibreELEC-Settings addon will probably log to Kodi while dmesg maybe give some information what's wrong on a lower level.
5schatten thank you and sorry for the late response.
1: debug
3: debug
Still Having issures with playstation here are the log files
ES Log-
External Content pastebin.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy there any other information you need?
looks like it's an upstream issue
LibreELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 19.0) so probably something to dig a bit deeper first
Still Having issures with playstation here are the log files
ES Log-
External Content pastebin.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy there any other information you need?
I guess you should start over and read the first post of this thread and the FAQ. Read the wikis for the emulators if you run into trouble first. Then look in the start post how to gather logs & which logs are needed. There is a reason why I spent quite some time to gather these information & wrote them down
5schatten How difficult would it be to include 32-bit system libraries (like multilib on Arch) so we can run Steam on LibreElec? It looks like it might amount to tearing apart LibreELEC and building another distro.
5schatten How difficult would it be to include 32-bit system libraries (like multilib on Arch) so we can run Steam on LibreElec? It looks like it might amount to tearing apart LibreELEC and building another distro.
The only approach that makes sense to me would be something like this:
so either use an Arch or SteamOS based Docker container to run your Steam games. Or get a Nvidia GPU and use Gamestream.
ended up figuring up what the issue was with the psx games the single disk games are up and working just fine, the only issue im having now is when I enter the retroarch desktop it does not respond to mouse clicks and my keyboard is completely unresponsive been looking for an answer and I cant seem ti find one.
I will upload a testbuild soon -> DS3 connection should be fixed then
Disclaimer: Most of these experiences only apply to Generic x86_64 system.
So... I had to think many things before I've built my ultimate all-in-one retrogaming USB.
And after leaving out some limitations of other distributions, I came to Libreelec RR and it just works. fantastic!!
(I ditched RecalBox and its cousin Batocera for their limited implementation of emulationstation - no game video playback.)
Here are some of my observations:
1) Yes, we've got PrBoom included in this release, but I'm much more familiar to GzDoom and I had to try.
And surprisingly, I don't know what happend to all the dependencies, but GzDoom ubuntu x86_64 package (encapsulated inside .deb file) works ootb without any signs of whining for missing libraries. That means, now I can play most of the modern doom mods such as Brutal Doom v21 without much consideration!
(Depending on the sound output device you're using, you may have to restart audio driver in gzdoom settings menu a few times. And I strongly recommend you to use ALSA as pulseaudio doesn't seem to work...)
TL;DR: GzDoom for ubuntu works just fine if you unpack the excutable from .deb file. And also you need to write an .sh file...
2) While most of the usecases will encourage you to open up an ssh session or similar from another computer to edit es_systems.cfg file, in my particular usecase, I prefer it to be right on the emulationstation, just like on RetroPie.
I've installed System Tools addon to do this, and wrote a simple script...
This shell script file is currently on the 'games' folder under 'roms' folder, but we could always write a new configuration entry on the es_systems.cfg...
and I also thought it would be great to be able to launch a real terminal inside the emulationstation...
TL;DR: You may wish to use a terminal and an editor inside emulationstation... now you can.
3) I wish I also had PCem (a nice PC emulator) to play Win16-Win32 games on this platform, but dependencies turned out to be a great hassle so I gave up on that. It fills the gap between modern NT age of windows and Dosbox while emulating late-90s hardware such as Pentium MMX and Voodoo 2 card.
4) Would there be any chance of RPCS3 docker image be implemented on this platform? I know it's just too much to ask for but if you think it's worth it I'd greatly appreciate it...
RPCS3 docker image (rather unstable PS3 emulator)
In short, thanks for gathering all the necessary parts of EVERYTHING in one tiny package! I'm spending much of my time in this great emulation-OS-thing.
I will upload a testbuild soon -> DS3 connection should be fixed then
Thnx mate!
Disclaimer: Most of these experiences only apply to Generic x86_64 system.
So... I had to think many things before I've built my ultimate all-in-one retrogaming USB.
And after leaving out some limitations of other distributions, I came to Libreelec RR and it just works. fantastic!!
(I ditched RecalBox and its cousin Batocera for their limited implementation of emulationstation - no game video playback.)
Here are some of my observations:
1) Yes, we've got PrBoom included in this release, but I'm much more familiar to GzDoom and I had to try.
And surprisingly, I don't know what happend to all the dependencies, but GzDoom ubuntu x86_64 package (encapsulated inside .deb file) works ootb without any signs of whining for missing libraries. That means, now I can play most of the modern doom mods such as Brutal Doom v21 without much consideration!
(Depending on the sound output device you're using, you may have to restart audio driver in gzdoom settings menu a few times. And I strongly recommend you to use ALSA as pulseaudio doesn't seem to work...)
TL;DR: GzDoom for ubuntu works just fine if you unpack the excutable from .deb file. And also you need to write an .sh file...
2) While most of the usecases will encourage you to open up an ssh session or similar from another computer to edit es_systems.cfg file, in my particular usecase, I prefer it to be right on the emulationstation, just like on RetroPie.
I've installed System Tools addon to do this, and wrote a simple script...
This shell script file is currently on the 'games' folder under 'roms' folder, but we could always write a new configuration entry on the es_systems.cfg...
and I also thought it would be great to be able to launch a real terminal inside the emulationstation...
TL;DR: You may wish to use a terminal and an editor inside emulationstation... now you can.
3) I wish I also had PCem (a nice PC emulator) to play Win16-Win32 games on this platform, but dependencies turned out to be a great hassle so I gave up on that. It fills the gap between modern NT age of windows and Dosbox while emulating late-90s hardware such as Pentium MMX and Voodoo 2 card.
4) Would there be any chance of RPCS3 docker image be implemented on this platform? I know it's just too much to ask for but if you think it's worth it I'd greatly appreciate it...
RPCS3 docker image (rather unstable PS3 emulator)
In short, thanks for gathering all the necessary parts of EVERYTHING in one tiny package! I'm spending much of my time in this great emulation-OS-thing.
About your GzDoom start script I recommend to adopt my typical standalone start script
and change the es_systems file to run your script then es_systems.cfg#l382
Have you ever tried to run GitHub - libretro/libretro-pcem: Libretro port of PCem, based on mooch's personal fork of PCem, based on OBattler's experimental branch. ?
IIRC RPCS3 should build fine on 64bit so I probably can add the emulator but since I've never owned a PS3 & I only use a IGP I can't really test it.
IIRC RPCS3 should build fine on 64bit so I probably can add the emulator but since I've never owned a PS3 & I only use a IGP I can't really test it.
I can do some testing if you want.
I can do some testing if you want.
I try to add it to the package then
I can add this package probably too GitHub - coelckers/gzdoom: GZDoom adds an OpenGL renderer to the ZDoom source port.
Quote from 5schatten
I can add this package probably too GitHub - coelckers/gzdoom: GZDoom adds an OpenGL renderer to the ZDoom source port.
Super thanks for your hard work!!
Modifying your start script a bit I had absoultely no problem with sound and gameplay now. Great!
There's only one small problem for this newer versions of GZDoom... They don't seem to support background music mods such as IDKFAv2.wad
I've tried zdoom_2.8.1_amd64.deb and it worked like a charm! (Also works with Brutal Doom v21)
Guess it is related to ditching out FMODex and using OpenAL in versions > 2.4.0 of GZDoom.
So if someone hopes to play with BGM mods choice is to use older version of GZDoom (up to 2.4.0) or ZDoom (latest version is 2.8.1, they dropped support)...
Quote from 5schattenI'll try to run it instead. Thanks!