No different. Can you give any more detail on your setup? Device, bios/efi boot, install, the steps you take to create the asound.conf file.
grab 2 usb drives, download the img.gz, download Installation of LibreELEC [] then burn it to one drive, boot a system from the usb-drive, I used my old x220 notebook, installed the image from one usb-drive to the other usb-drive, rebooted & started the usb-drive with the clean install,used the wizard to setup basic stuff & set the audio device in the addon, reboot once and done.
Started RA & ES & ran MrBoom -> listened to annoying music & as I said it works here. The problem is that according to your logs the rr-config-tool wasn't started or did not run properly so it won't create the settings.xml and so later no proper asound.conf will be created.