Hi, I was experimenting with citra and I noticed that AAC audio in pokemon xy does not work. Is possible to build Citra together with installed libavtools (including the AAC codec) to enable the decoder as seen here?

LibreELEC-RR 9.x [ Emulationstation | Retroarch | Pegasus | DolphinQT | Moonlight | Chrome | Spotify ]
5schatten -
June 16, 2018 at 1:47 PM -
Closed -
Thread is Resolved
Hi, I was experimenting with citra and I noticed that AAC audio in pokemon xy does not work. Is possible to build Citra together with installed libavtools (including the AAC codec) to enable the decoder as seen here?
The license of libfdk_aac is not compatible with GPL, so the GPL does not permit distribution of binaries containing incompatible code when GPL-licensed code is also included. Therefore this encoder have been designated as "non-free", and you cannot download a pre-built ffmpeg that supports it. This can be resolved by compiling ffmpeg yourself.
So basically it's not possible to distribute an image that contains ffmpeg libs compiled with fdk-aac support.
Edit: I fixed the issue. I'm not totally sure how, but I think it maybe when I reset the ALSA configuration (from your rr-config add-on) to default and then rebooted. I'm leaving the original up in quote just in case it needs to be reviewed further.
Well that's Amlogic Kernel hack "magic". If you don't use an external audio output device it's not necessary to touch the devcie config.
Well that's Amlogic Kernel hack "magic".
"Magic." The reason why I would like to move away from my amlogic box but haven't found the right balance of performance, price, and support yet.
"Magic." The reason why I would like to move away from my amlogic box but haven't found the right balance of performance, price, and support yet.
Well maybe the Rockchip stuff or keep on waiting for mainline Kernel support. Shouldn't take too long.
I can add the fdk-aac package and probably a "non-free" build option but still you would have to compile the package/image yourself. Otherwise this build violates the GPL and could have legal consequences for me and Team LibreELEC since they host the files. It's a somewhat awkward situation and for the same reason Citra does not include the AAC lib.EDIT:
I've added a "non-free package option" so if you want to have Citra & proper music you have to pull in the code, alter one single var from no to yes & compile it. Basically copy & paste. This will build ffmpeg with fdk-aac support and so Citra should work with those specific aac files too.
non-free package option:
https://github.com/5schatten/libreelec.tv/blob/libreelec-9.x-rr/distributions/libreelec/options#l191 -
I've added a "non-free package option" so if you want to have Citra & proper music you have to pull in the code, alter one single var from no to yes & compile it. Basically copy & paste. This will build ffmpeg with fdk-aac support and so Citra should work with those specific aac files too.
non-free package option:
https://github.com/5schatten/libreelec.tv/blob/libreelec-9.x-rr/distributions/libreelec/options#l191AAC-LC patents should expire this year so this will not be a problem anymore
Lots of patents expiring in 2015 - how relevant is MP3 still? - Page 3
AAC-LC patents should expire this year so this will not be a problem anymore
Lots of patents expiring in 2015 - how relevant is MP3 still? - Page 3
HE-AAC and HE-AACv2 have more recent dates (+6-7 years comparing to LC-AAC) so don't expect to see them patent free until 2025-2026
Afaik is fdk-aac for HE-AAC decoding so it takes a while until it's free to use then. -
Hi thanks for the build !
Works like a charm
For all the people who use another skin I have updated my addsons to open
Chrome, Spotify and Emulationstation
If anyone want to have a different one for retroarch or pegasus just shoot me a pm
Hi thanks for the build !
Works like a charm
For all the people who use another skin I have updated my addsons to open
Chrome, Spotify and Emulationstation
If anyone want to have a different one for retroarch or pegasus just shoot me a pm
Sorry for asking but what is this for?
And how to use?
Sorry for asking but what is this for?
And how to use?
From a short look I would say addons that allow you to launch my apps & frontends by using the Kodi addon system. So you don't have to create custom links on your own.
About Citra & AAC maybe we don't need the fdk-aac package because FFmpeg is already built with an aac decoder. I've added the FFmpeg opts to the Citra build which was also missing before so you can check out the next build of mine if it works without the non-free packages. -
Hi thanks for the build !
Works like a charm
For all the people who use another skin I have updated my addsons to open
Chrome, Spotify and Emulationstation
If anyone want to have a different one for retroarch or pegasus just shoot me a pm
Do you have a Github account or something where you've hosted those addons/scripts? I would link them in the FAQ then for simple access & installation.
Do you have a Github account or something where you've hosted those addons/scripts? I would link them in the FAQ then for simple access & installation.
No actually
You can download them from the link and host them elsewhere or do you want me to upload them on a GitHub account ?
Build RR-20190404-1cc7fad is online
- added a build option for non-free packages e.g. fdk-aac -> due to license quirks only for personal builds
- dropped hardcoded audio delay workaround for pre-haswell systems -> projects/Generic: drop obsolete settings file · 5schatten/LibreELEC.tv@6024f02 · GitHub
- updated to latest LE 9.x
- updated Generic kernel to 5.0.6 / RPi kernel to 5.0.5
- updated Mesa to 19.0.1
- replaced unclutter by unclutter-xfixes -> improved mouse cursor hiding for Generic builds
- updated pegasus-frontend -> won't list bios files for MAME/FBA etc. anymore
- updated emulator logfile handling
- added PCSX2 refresh rate settings in rr-config -> let's you chose between 50 & 60 Hz depending on PAL or NTSC games
- build Citra with FFmpeg support -> which might enables aac support for certain games
- updated GLideN64 for mupen64plus standalone
- upstreamed Gioteck VX 2 controller -> if you use currently unsupported custom controller configs for Retroarch send me them & create a PR for GitHub - libretro/retroarch-joypad-autoconfig: RetroArch joypad autoconfig files
- updated several libretro-cores
- updated citra & dolphin
If you still have audio problems with Nvidia 418.56 drivers stick to these builds Index of /testing/nvidia-410.104/ but don't whine about non working PCSX2
Build RR-20190404-1cc7fad is online in testin
If you still have audio problems with Nvidia 418.56 drivers stick to these builds Index of /testing/nvidia-410.104/ but don't whine about non working PCSX2
Thx for the extra build with the Nvidia drivers.
Works great!
But still no audio in Citra(Need some real testing) -
Thx for the extra build with the Nvidia drivers.
Well it's just a single line git revert ... && make image so the worst part is uploading a second generic build with my crappy 0.5Mbit upload speed.
Build RR-20190404-1cc7fad is online in testing
- added a build option for non-free packages e.g. fdk-aac -> due to license quirks only for personal builds
- dropped hardcoded audio delay workaround for pre-haswell systems -> projects/Generic: drop obsolete settings file · 5schatten/LibreELEC.tv@6024f02 · GitHub
- updated to latest LE 9.x
- updated Generic kernel to 5.0.6 / RPi kernel to 5.0.5
- updated Mesa to 19.0.1
- replaced unclutter by unclutter-xfixes -> improved mouse cursor hiding for Generic builds
- updated pegasus-frontend -> won't list bios files for MAME/FBA etc. anymore
- updated emulator logfile handling
- added PCSX2 refresh rate settings in rr-config -> let's you chose between 50 & 60 Hz depending on PAL or NTSC games
- build Citra with FFmpeg support -> which might enables aac support for certain games
- updated GLideN64 for mupen64plus standalone
- upstreamed Gioteck VX 2 controller -> if you use currently unsupported custom controller configs for Retroarch send me them & create a PR for GitHub - libretro/retroarch-joypad-autoconfig: RetroArch joypad autoconfig files
- updated several libretro-cores
- updated citra & dolphin
If you still have audio problems with Nvidia 418.56 drivers stick to these builds Index of /testing/nvidia-410.104/ but don't whine about non working PCSX2
AAC on Citra in HLE works fine now, happy for not needing to compile every time myself. Thank you.
5schatten i just received my new odroid H2 (J4105 gemini lake)
And only tested dolphin mario kart wii and super mario bros 3+ with native resolution and it’s unplayable.
I think the cpu/gpu is too weak?