Sorround 4.0 HDMI, Audio Jack Raspberry Pi 3

  • Hello

    Is it possible to use the HDMI audio output as front speakers? And the audio jack as rear speakers? Also via SSH commands.

    Raspberry Pi 3

    • Official Post

    The RPi's audio output quality from the analog port is infamously worse than the digital audio output. Lots of white noise, low volume, etcetera. I'm not sure your plan will work that well.

    • Official Post

    If I understand you correctly, you want to split the audio output so that the front channels go via the HDMI whereas the rear channels go via the audio sockets. Whilst I don't think it's possible, as Klojum mentioned the quality would not be acceptable and I think you'd find a slight delay between the two - which would be noticeable.

    You'd be better off buying a cheap amp.

  • I don't care about the quality for the time being. But I would buy an additional module up to 15 Euro maybe you know something that is compertible. I currently use HDMI > TV > Audio Jack to Stereo system. The audio connector of the Raspberry Pi 3 is currently not used. At the moment I have 2 stereo systems with their own volume control. Both have 3.5mm jack

  • Possibly there is the possibility to control with pulse module HDMI and audio jack and give both devices their own audio delay in milliseconds.

    • Official Post

    It's not technically impossible. The first challenge will be finding someone with the alsa routing knowledge to do it. The second challenge will be persuading that person this is something worth their time and effort. Most alsa related things fail at the first challenge.