HDMI + Touchscreen at the same time - different resolutions

  • Hey,

    I received a beautiful metal box with an LCD touch screen. I plugged my LibreELEC in the box and I am getting the screen on the LCD only. I tried to force the screen to HDMI by adding to

    /flash/config.txt. The resolution is very low, the same as the LCD.


    How do I enable two screens at the same time, with the proper resolution for each screen?


  • Got it. Just to confirm, with LE we cannot run two screens. Can I use the7" LCD as a control or buttons or remote instead of showing the main screen?

    If not I will need to disable the 7" display so I get full resolution on the TV. The commend above turns off the LCD but the resolution on the HDMI is 800x600. Any suggestion how to force the HDMI for the TV resolution?



  • Kodi supports 'status' output to VFD type displays but there's no function for external controls like that.

    At one point weren't there LCDProc drivers for simple VGA screens? (At least on PCs)

    AIUI the Pi + Touch screen + HDMI is more complex, as whilst you can run both separately (as you can HDMI and a GPIO VGA/LCD screen) there are quite heavy limitations (one is really only available for OMX?)