Posts by AlleyCat

    My experience with HardKernel is 2 bad boards out of 4. The first, C2 arrived dead, and I had to pay for the return shipping. The C2 replacement worked ok and I use it with CE. The two other boards I ordered are HC1 and HC2. The HC2 also arrived dead. I asked HK to pay for the return shipping and they declined. My HC2 ended in the trash because it wasn’t worth paying for shipping. I have little expectation for a reliable decide from HK. I’m Done with HK and going to try a VIM3. HK, if you are reading this text, Consider doing QA on your products and start standing by your customers.


    I have a few remotes laying around from Panasonic and Denon that I'd like to use. The Panasonic has multiple devices options, TV, VCR, DBS/CBT and DVD.

    ir_keytable recognizes most of the buttons in the DVD options. The responding protocol is the JVC protocol. A few keys like EXIT or VOLUME + and - are not returning any codes.

    Also, none of the TV/VCR/DBS/CBL buttons is being recognized. It looks like the protocol for these keys is not supported, because most of the DVD keys are working well.

    My Denon remote doesn't work at all with any of the protocols.

    My system is an Odroid C2, running CoreElec 9.02 or LibreELEC 9.02.

    1) Can I teach ir_keytable raw commands (similar to LIRC)?

    2) How can I test raw commands? irw returns an errors and will not work

    3) Can I enable ir_keytable to recognize the keys that don't work?


    Found /sys/class/rc/rc0/ (/dev/input/event2) with:

    Driver: meson-ir, table: rc-empty

    lirc device: /dev/lirc0

    Supported protocols: lirc rc-5 jvc sony nec sanyo mce_kbd rc-6

    Enabled protocols: lirc

    Name: meson-ir

    bus: 25, vendor/product: 0000:0000, version: 0x0000

    Repeat delay = 100 ms, repeat period = 100 ms




    Problem solved:

    I created the following softshutdown1 script, and add one line to the script:


    #! / Usr / bin / python

    # "Audiophonics softshutdown script"

    # " Openelec Version"

    # "softShutdown: GPIO4 = out, low to high"

    import sys


    import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

    import time

    import subprocess

    GPIO.setmode (GPIO.BCM)

    GPIO.setwarnings (False)

    GPIO.setup (4, GPIO.OUT)

    GPIO.output (4, GPIO.HIGH)

    time.sleep (1)

    GPIO.output (4, GPIO.LOW)

    GPIO.cleanup ()

    case "$1" in


    # your commands here



    # your commands here

    python /storage/.config/softshutdown1



    # your commands here



    # your commands here



    Hey there,

    I enabled the Audiophonics SPC II power module on LE and I had used GPIO's 4, 13 and 22. I had to move the GPIO 17 to 13 because it conflicted with the LCD and DigiOne board. It is working great. When I push the power button, the LE will shutdown, and the LED on the power button will go off.

    However, if I use the LE GUI to shutdown, the power button stays on. Anyone knows how to send the correct signals to the Power Module via GPIO to turn the LED and power off? I was thinking to place the script in the, which would be able to turn the LED off once I shutdown LE from the TV.

    Here is my current working scripts:


    sleep 5;

    python /storage/.config/

    python /storage/.config/ &




    import sys


    import subprocess

    import RPi.GPIO as gpio

    import time

    print "Audiophonics Shutdown script starting..."

    print "Asserting pins : "

    print "ShutDown : GPIO13=in, Low"

    print "BootOK : GPIO22=out, High"


    gpio.setup(13, gpio.OUT)

    gpio.output(13, 0)

    gpio.setup(22, gpio.OUT)

    gpio.output(22, 1)

    time.sleep(1) #important to have this or else script won't work X(


    python /storage/.config/


    # ATXRaspi interrupt based shutdown/reboot script

    # Script based on Tony Pottier, Felix Rusu

    # modified by Juergen Schweighoer

    import sys


    import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

    import os

    import time


    pulseStart = 0.0

    REBOOTPULSEMINIMUM = 0.2 #reboot pulse signal should be at least this long (seconds)

    REBOOTPULSEMAXIMUM = 1.0 #reboot pulse signal should be at most this long (seconds)

    SHUTDOWN = 13 #GPIO used for shutdown signal - org 6

    BOOT = 22 #GPIO used for boot signal - org 5

    # Set up GPIO 5 and write that the PI has booted up

    GPIO.setup(BOOT, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.HIGH)

    # Set up GPIO 6 as interrupt for the shutdown signal to go HIGH

    GPIO.setup(SHUTDOWN, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN)

    print "\n=========================================================================================="

    print " ATXRaspi shutdown IRQ script started: asserted pins (",SHUTDOWN, "=input,LOW; ",BOOT,"=output,HIGH)"

    print " Waiting for GPIO", SHUTDOWN, "to become HIGH (short HIGH pulse=REBOOT, long HIGH=SHUTDOWN)..."

    print "=========================================================================================="


    while True:

    GPIO.wait_for_edge(SHUTDOWN, GPIO.RISING)

    shutdownSignal = GPIO.input(SHUTDOWN)

    pulseStart = time.time() #register time at which the button was pressed

    while shutdownSignal:


    if(time.time() - pulseStart >= REBOOTPULSEMAXIMUM):

    print "\n====================================================================================="

    print " SHUTDOWN request from GPIO", SHUTDOWN, ", halting Rpi ..."

    print "====================================================================================="



    shutdownSignal = GPIO.input(SHUTDOWN)

    if time.time() - pulseStart >= REBOOTPULSEMINIMUM:

    print "\n====================================================================================="

    print " REBOOT request from GPIO", SHUTDOWN, ", recycling Rpi ..."

    print "====================================================================================="



    shutdownSignal = GPIO.input(SHUTDOWN)

    if time.time() - pulseStart >= REBOOTPULSEMINIMUM:

    print "\n====================================================================================="

    print " REBOOT request from GPIO", SHUTDOWN, ", recycling Rpi ..."

    print "====================================================================================="



    if GPIO.input(SHUTDOWN): #before looping we must make sure the shutdown signal went low

    GPIO.wait_for_edge(SHUTDOWN, GPIO.FALLING)





    Thank you for anyone who contributed to getting this working. I hope this will help someone else looking for these scripts.


    I got it working after long trial and errors. For anyone reading this post who has the same issue, here is how I solved the problem.

    I installed BOTH the Libreelec LCDproc and the XBMC LCDproc services. Once I installed the XBMC the content started showing on the LCD screen.

    I don't know why the LE LCDproc alone doesn't show the screen.


    Hey there,

    I am waiting to ask why I am getting no information on the LCD using LCDproc. The LCD takes the Welcome from the LCDd.conf and it stays although I am navigating screen and the LCD doesn't change.

    One note, I had to add the following line to the to start the service. It may give a hint to why the service doesn't read the LCD.xml.

    LCDd -c /storage/.config/LCDd.conf &



    Got it. Just to confirm, with LE we cannot run two screens. Can I use the7" LCD as a control or buttons or remote instead of showing the main screen?

    If not I will need to disable the 7" display so I get full resolution on the TV. The commend above turns off the LCD but the resolution on the HDMI is 800x600. Any suggestion how to force the HDMI for the TV resolution?




    I received a beautiful metal box with an LCD touch screen. I plugged my LibreELEC in the box and I am getting the screen on the LCD only. I tried to force the screen to HDMI by adding to

    /flash/config.txt. The resolution is very low, the same as the LCD.


    How do I enable two screens at the same time, with the proper resolution for each screen?


    The LibreElec doesn't let to passthrough to the DigiOne board. With a few tricks I was able to enable the Passthrough 5.1 to Kodi. I did the following steps:

    1) Installed Volume latest build

    2) Added Kodi

    3) Enable i2c audio, and selected the Allo DigiOne

    4) Tested Audio with Volume - > Music works

    5) Tested music with Kodi - > Music didn't work

    6) Copied the file /usr/share/alsa/cards/IQAudIODigi.conf to /usr/share/alsa/cards/AlloDigiOne.conf

    7) Edit the AlloDigiOne.conf





    8) Re boot

    9) Open Kodi System-Audio-> Passthrough; I can select the ALSA:snd_allo_digi,S/PDIF

    10) Enabled all options (my audio processor can handle all formats)

    And the Allo is passing through 5.1 charles at 192kh/24bit

    My next step is to try and replicating this with LibreELEC. To add the new file, I need to update the read-only image. I got stuck with installing

    squashfs-tools addon.

    squashfs howto - make changes the read-only filesystem in OpenELEC - andreierdei

    I would prefer if the LibreELEC developers could comment, and perhaps configure and test these steps and procedure with an official build.



    My Allo DigiOne make no sound. I installed the driver by adding dtoverlay=allo-digione to the config.txt. The driver loads ok;

    here is the lsmod output:

    Module Size Used by

    8812au 1175200 0

    snd_soc_bcm2835_i2s 5981 2

    snd_soc_wm8804_i2c 1344 1

    snd_soc_wm8804 7674 1 snd_soc_wm8804_i2c

    snd_soc_allo_digione 3285 1

    snd_soc_core 110897 3 snd_soc_wm8804,snd_soc_allo_digione,snd_soc_bcm2835_i2s

    cfg80211 247930 1 8812au

    snd_compress 7863 1 snd_soc_core

    snd_pcm_dmaengine 2943 1 snd_soc_core

    snd_pcm 68095 5 snd_soc_wm8804,snd_pcm_dmaengine,snd_soc_bcm2835_i2s,snd_soc_core

    rfkill 13757 3 cfg80211

    spi_bcm2835 6050 0

    bcm2835_gpiomem 2652 0

    snd_timer 17901 1 snd_pcm

    i2c_bcm2835 5165 0

    snd 41825 5 snd_compress,snd_timer,snd_soc_core,snd_pcm

    fixed 2407 2

    Any suggestion how to get the board to work?
