Need some help to load webgrab created EPG in tvheadened

  • Hi..I m trying to load a guide.xml I created with webgrab to tvheadned and cannot succeed for some reason...So I have the guide.xml on an HDD connected to my Rpi...set the path from tvheadened addon to point to that file...enabled internal xmltv grabber from thheadened configuration...but nothing..

    Anyone using a webgrab xml that can help...?


  • Looks like a permissions issue. I have experienced similar and solved it eventually by changing the permissions on the webgrapplus folder where the guide is located using ssh and

    chmod -R 755 <user data webgrabplus folder path>


  • Looks like a permissions issue. I have experienced similar and solved it eventually by changing the permissions on the webgrapplus folder where the guide is located using ssh and

    chmod -R 755 <user data webgrabplus folder path>


    Not sure regarding permissions...strange thing is Tvheadened is loading a local playlist and recording to the same HDD where webgrab downloads the xml and working fine..

  • Not sure regarding permissions...strange thing is Tvheadened is loading a local playlist and recording to the same HDD where webgrab downloads the xml and working fine..

    If its anything like TVheadend on Linux OS, then it operates as its own user which means that it has limited permissions, however the rest of the LE OS runs as root which means that webgrabplus is run by a different user (root) to TVheadend.

    I may be wrong about this but it explains why placing the guide.xml into the correct location is important. The reason that Tvheadend has no problem accessing your playlist is because it is the TVheadend user which created it in the first place.


  • Tvheadend runs under Kodi which also runs as root. It's possible to screw up permissions in LE and do lots of other wrong things, but wrong user is never the problem.

  • Something I noticed is that when I tried to load guide.xml through ssh there was a strange error..

    While the guide is at "/var/media/HDD/Kodi Documents/Guides/Guide.xml" I just had an error cannot find "/var/media/HDD/Kodi" without the rest "Documents/IPTV Playlists/Guide.xml"

    Could be something about the spaces I used for naming folders...not sure..