Colour space

  • Hi

    With the new alpha builds having the option to change colour space, I was woundering what this is and or means?

    Do I need to find out what my tv supports and set it to one of these or is there more to it? Which is best etc. :?:



  • Doesn't work on my boxes, I'do some tests;)

    I didn´t check every video file, but playback looks OK.

    Some files checked the colour space - all OK - SDR/HDR is recognized by the TV

    I´m only using my 4k TVs(connected vie AVR) to play video or music files from NAS - no live TV, IPTV, DVB-S2 tuner etc.

  • Nope, no auto-switching on bits on my boxes. It sticks to what's in "/sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/attr".

    But it do switch from 444, 422 and 420 depending on values in disp_cap. So the trick questing here is, Can one also define Bits in disp_cap?


    Edited 2 times, last by 2re (April 6, 2018 at 5:09 PM).

  • I do nothing - colour space changes automatic to 444,10Bit playing video

    422 8/10/12 aka. 24/30/36 bit are have been present for a long time, you can choose these colorspaces on all DVD players, Blu-ray players from last 10 years and doesn't switch automatically to these colorspaces. UHD players and of course these boxes too can switch to UHD 420 10 bit, but 422 8/10 bit or 444 8/10 bit works only manually. So, if you choose 444 10 bit is very good for gradients but if you watch a UHD 10 bit movie the player will be switch to 420 10 bit all other movies will be played on previously setup, ex. 444 10 bit.

  • Either I´m stupid or lucky.

    Checked a few min ago.

    Recorded TV 720p(SDR) - OK

    Recorded TV 1080p(SDR) - OK

    4k 10Bit HDR - OK

    My combination box-AVR-TV is working well - TV switching from SDR to HDR and back to SDR, also 420/422/444 depending on video file

    Maybe some combinations are not working (my TV is from 2017, my AVR from 2016)

  • Dose your AVR/TV actually say YcbCr 444:30bit (3*10bit) or is it just the HD/UHD(HDR) that changes?

  • 422 and 444 are fix colorspaces which is selected in colorspace settings, The TV switches between 422/444 (depends on the setting) and 420, no switch automatically between 422 and 444.

  • One mustn't mix bits & HDR. I you set your GUI to 720p and disable rate change, than play a 4k HDR movie your TV will report 720p HDR. But this has nothing to to with the amount of bit used for colors. ;)