LibreELEC 9.0 / Kodi 18.X for Minix X8,X8H,X8H+

  • i installed that 802 version and my box start with librelec from sd card but i cannot download anything it says internet connecting is ok but i can download or installing anything i think librelec cant connect to the internet someone any idee wat this can be thanks for help

  • But it always change MAC after reboot. And router cant assign reserved IP.

    In previous versions of datrhs Libreelec firmware the following solution did not work. It seems to work in the latest version dated 02/02/2019 on both my X8-H Plus and X8.


    Open a file manager on your computer and browse to the following folder on your Minix X8(-HP)

    (I named my X8-H Plus 'LibreElec-x8hp' to distinguish between my two minixes.)

    Create a new file and call it e.g.:


    (You can name it anything you want, but it is a good habit to use a descriptive name, hence 'mac-address'. The number '99' is not really necessary. It is just there to make sure this rule is applied after all, if any, of the other rules have been applied.)

    Next, open the file in a text editor and copy and paste the following two lines into it:

    SUBSYSTEM=="net", KERNEL=="eth0", RUN+="/sbin/ip link set dev %k address 11:12:13:14:15:16"

    SUBSYSTEM=="net", KERNEL=="wlan0", RUN+="/sbin/ip link set dev %k address 11:12:13:14:15:17"

    (You can use any MAC address, as long as it is not used by other hardware in your network.)

    Save the file and reboot your Minix device.

    On my Windows computer I then use Wireless Network Watcher ( to check the MAC address. Once you have verified that it is the MAC address you set, you can open the user interface of your router and assign an IP address to the Minix.

    Edited 10 times, last by Golden Avatar (February 11, 2019 at 2:39 PM).

  • i installed that 802 version and my box start with librelec from sd card but i cannot download anything it says internet connecting is ok but i can download or installing anything i think librelec cant connect to the internet someone any idee wat this can be thanks for help

    from LAN or Wifi ?

    dhcp or not ?

  • i see in librelec settings network is ready , but i can not connect with putty by windows putty windows open see green corner in screen but i am not askd for login so i think librelec is not connect to internet even if it says ready so wat can i do to solve this problem

  • yes ssl is on i can see the ip adres it is in the 169 range i think it need a 192 range to start the ip adres so i read somewere that is the isseu i have to get librelec in a 192 range ip any idee how to do that

  • maybe i should put manually a ip adres in the start range 192 but then it asked for subnet that i dont know how to do i think if i can change the ip of libreelec it wil work but i dont know how to do it

  • First find out the IP address of your router.

    Example for manual settings on LE for router's IP

    IP address:

    Subnet Mask:

    Gateway: (IP address of your router)

    DNS servers IP adresses:

    First: (IP address of your router)



    Must save all settings and reboot to work properly.