the right LIBREelec for this box- Please Help ;) MXQ S805

  • Hi,

    Android TV Box labeled MXQ / S805 ...please see the picture for details ;)

    It was Android 4.4 or so - I switched to Android 5.1.1 but this is really slow!

    So i wanted (like on annather box) boot Libre ELEC from USB..But i try 15 *.img BUT

    - I cannot boot (Win32manager/USB Burning Tool didnt work on win10..))

    So... can annyone tell me how i can use Libreelec??? (to as stand allone ???)

    thx dmog

  • i tried this ...Can i install libre ELEC over the android recovery mode?

    or.. make i the wrong boot? Witch the stick but every time i go to the android recovery mode...

  • download the image, use rufus to burn it to a mcrosd or usb, then add the correct device tree, as explained in the installation instructions.

    then, plug in the usb, hold in the reset button while you plug in the power lead, after a few seconds, when you see the libreelec logo, release the reset button

    if it doesn't boot, try a different device tree

    Read the install instructions, before posting back.

  • 1. LED goes BLUE

    2. LOGO (Logo since Android 5.1.1.)

    3. Androrid System REcovery

    NO Libreelec Boot Logo and i tried all versions... the same with rufus.

    I can not boot.. thats strange cause Android Updat to 5.1.1 works/boot.

    OK .. I think that's it with the box ... iam too stupid :)

    Can I go ---from Androrid System REcovery???? And I read the instructions... ;)

  • Hi and thx... but...

    but it seems to be the case with the s805 so that the boot only works on a sd card .. Funny because I could make the Android update via the USB stick ... no matter. It works now ... nice day