Differences between OE and LE?

  • Very interested to see what you guys come up with and how Openelec - Libreelec - and OSMC will compare in a year or two.
    Been a long time user of XBMC/Kodi and Openelec has been my platform of choice for many years.

    I'm sure this new start will give way to new innovations and features.

    Thank you for all the work that you are putting into this

  • Any time frame you can share that we can look forward to?

    Unfortunately no, I'm still waiting for a few pieces of the (infrastructure) puzzle to fall into place before I start pushing out 8.0 "test" builds. Due to everyone having real-life work commitments and Alpha/Beta taking priority I can't say with any certainty when this will happen, but I really do hope it will be "soon". :)

  • Wouldn't it be easier for the Users to call the LE Build with Kodi 17 included LE 17, and not LE 8.0?

    Totally agree with this as well, good way of differentiating yourselves away from OE also.

    Probably gonna get linched for asking, but............

    is there any chance of a 64bit Raspberry PI 3 LibreELEC build to show off the hardware's real potential?

    This really would be the pinnacle if at all possible.

    Edited once, last by nickrob84 (April 29, 2016 at 4:20 PM).

  • LE numbering schemes were thoroughly debated before starting official builds. There are pros/cons to following Kodi numbering, OE numbering, or starting over at 1.0. In the end the "least worst" option was continuing OE numbering but adding the Kodi release name to reduce confusion. Hence you will see "LibreELEC 7.0 (Jarvis)" and "LibreELEC 8.0 (Krypton)" used in anything official.

    An 64-bit RPi3 build will appear once the pi foundation release something. We're not expecting to see anything for a while yet.