S905x support, what is needed?

  • Nice! Have you verified that it works? I also assume that commented-out bitstream converter sections are not needed?

    It works on my s905x box.

    I am not sure if bitstream converter section needed. In my tests it works with and without it equaly. Need to further explore.

  • I don't think bitstream converter is needed for VP9 - neither Android Media Codec not Amlogic's amplayer uses it for VP9. Thank you for the patch, I will integrate it in my next build!

  • Very Nice~~~
    Can you share your build?
    I'd like to test it..

    Actually it is not build of LibreELEC or other. It is just semifinished build of linux+Kodi and some other soft. I build it for specific device and can not grantee any compatibility. I think, you'd better wait kszaq build.

  • Sure.u are doing great job .ofcourse life things is important this.
    Keep me posted when u get chance.
    When i flash in s905x,i dont delete dtb.img should i replace with new test build tree dtb.img in sd card?

    Can you do an experiment: after you ran installtointernal once and get the error, can you boot once again from SD and run installtointernal second time? Do you get an error after running it for the second time?

  • Can you do an experiment: after you ran installtointernal once and get the error, can you boot once again from SD and run installtointernal second time? Do you get an error after running it for the second time?

    I just did that.
    2nd time when i run installtointernal, it gives me error as attached.
    Dmesg after this is here:

    Let me know any further experiments u want me to do.
    If i remove sd card and boot ,still error message as before.only way to unbrick is to use usb tool to flash android.

    Sent from my SM-N910G using Tapatalk

    Edited once, last by ram.khakurel (October 5, 2016 at 12:14 PM).

  • ram.khakurel Can you try running this script to install: installtointernal

    You need to use it one time, then reboot to see an error, then use the script second time.

    Hi kszaq,
    U have done it .
    After using new script 2nd time ,librelec boots from nand.
    When i run new script ,gave same error after reboot.booted from sd then again ran script.after reboot get librelec.
    Whatever u have done with new script and,its works.
    Thanks ur help and great work.
    Now was wandering is there straight install into nand from revovery rather than doing twice from sd card ?
    Did u figure out why wasnt working earlier in my box?

    Sent from my SM-N910G using Tapatalk

    Edited once, last by ram.khakurel (October 5, 2016 at 1:45 PM).

  • This all happens because your stock firmware has a different partition layout than standard Amlogic. There are two ways to overcome this:

    • Prepare device tree for every box that has a different layout
    • Install two times

    I prefer the second approach. It is necessary to run installtointernal two times because you need to: flash dtb, reboot to make u-boot use new partiiton layout, install again with new partition layout applied. If you wanted to install it from recovery, it would also take 2 times to install.

  • Actually it is not build of LibreELEC or other. It is just semifinished build of linux+Kodi and some other soft. I build it for specific device and can not grantee any compatibility. I think, you'd better wait kszaq build.

    I just build to support vp9 for test
    LibreELEC-S905.aarch64-7.0-devel-20161005190041-r23325-g3be647e.img.gz - Google Drive

    This is test build for vp9 only(Not based from kszaq's latest source)
    It also has problem with 4K 60FPS vp9 paly.
    4K 25fps and 4K 30fps are OK.

    kszaq When I paly VP9 files, system memory goes to full after that cpu goes to 100%. Is this memory leak problem?

    Edited once, last by garyang (October 5, 2016 at 3:13 PM).

  • Here's a new development build. I'm posting it here since it has mostly S905X-only fixes: changed booting procedure, fixed 4K H.264 playback (not tested, please report!) and one change to device tree that should fix audio - I missed one from @afl1's post.


    On my Mini M8s II it's not working. Build a fresh SDcard,
    plugged in and used toothpick method. Got tty error (could not mount mmcblk0p1)

  • Hi,

    When I build Amlogic kernel sources, I've got "Image" file, But Libreelec has "kernel.img".
    I tried to replace the "kernel.img" in kszaq's build with my Amlogic kernel (Image) but it does not work.

    What is the difference between Libreelec kernel and Amlogic generated kernel? Is there a way to get Libreelec kernel from Amlogic "Image"


  • No idea, sorry. USB driver for Amlogic is not very capable. Try to not write to that drive while watching.

    Also, the USB driver for S905 and S905X is different so I'm unable to help you due to no S905X device.


    i have a S905X and some free time.

    Can I do something to help? test any development version, logs, etc...?

  • kszaq: Latest dev build worked. But not when written via SD Creator from LibreELEC, what I've tried first.
    Had to DD onto my SDcard. Don't ask me where's the difference :) But it works now :)

    Thank you. So your changed booting procedure is helpful :)

  • Just wanted to say that the latest dev build works great on my A95X 905X (16GB/2GB), my main concern was DTS passthrough and 24hz. I've watched a few hours this evening and its performed flawlessly. I havent installed onto the nand yet.

    The suspend isnt working, it just shows a blank screen when un-suspending, I'm not sure if thats because its running from SD or not. It's not the end of the world and I'm sure it'll get sorted at some stage.

    Very happy with it, we're all very lucky to have people like kszaq doing all this hard work.