Remote power trouble

  • ok it worked

    and its powering on and off from the remote in le kszaq build

    can i get a link to your latest ddr3 uboot @ 792

    just incase the one in S912_H96_3G_DDR34_171120_MAC_ubootfix

    is an old build with problems

    I'm not concerned with the composition of Android systems. Later I will provide the link with update.

  • Ok on looking into this further

    The CZ-S32-v2.2 / v3 DDR3/DDD4 Uboot

    Runs DDR3 @ 816MHz & Runs DDR4 @ 792MHZ

    Can we get a Uboot with these stock frequency's to match

    the factory Uboot

    DQS-corr enabled

    DDR scramble enabled

    DDR3 chl: Rank0+1 @ 816MHz -

    DDR3 chl: Rank0 @ 816MHz -

    DDR3 chl: Rank0 16bit @ 816MHz -

    DDR4 chl: Rank0+1 @ 792MHz -

    otherwise we will be getting a small performance downgrade

    from 816 to 792 on ddr3 devices with your uboot

  • hi bumerc

    is there a fix for this hdmi-cec jam issue..

    exactly the same issue as described here.



    Either disable HDMI CEC drivers in the GUI and have this task done by the u-boot, or vice versa. Both at the same time is a bad solution. The solution with u-boot does not fit with all concepts. For the systems like CE I would simply deactivate the HDMI CEC function in the u-boot

    Edited once, last by bumerc (April 23, 2018 at 2:23 PM).

  • Working on my CZ-S32-v2.2 DDR3 Board

    Whats the DDR4 Clocks on this uboot just out of interest

    This u-boot was compiled with RAM auto-detection. This can be used for devices with DDR3 and also DDR4, if the DDR timing and clk rate allow this.

  • Aparently The Stock Wisdom 20171120 uboot already has the ir code so works without having to flash

    a custom uboot according to someone on freaktab

    (will confirm this myself at some point by pulling the uboot and combinging it with aml_7.1.2_s912_q9377-S912_mac-20180409)

    I also suspect the Beelink Mini M8s Pro uboot would work fine for

    CZ-S32-V2 & CZ-S32-V3 users the remote looks almost the same as the H96 Remote

    and Beelink do program the ir code on the gt1 ultimate atleast but that comes with a diff remote than h96

    (will confirm this myself at some point by pulling the uboot and combinging it with aml_7.1.2_s912_q9377-S912_mac-20180409)

  • Quote

    You forgot to mention that it just does not work for you:shy:. What is the length of your network cable? Does the router have 1Gbit connection, or only 100Mbit? If you have CE installed, try this dtb

    What can change the DTB file, if Android also crashes? Cable lenght is maybe 1 or 2 meter, gigabit connection is no problem (AVM 7490)

    I see, that i have Longsys LTM8830 WLAN chip instead of Atheros 9377, but dont think, it causes the crashes. I use cable connection.

  • What can change the DTB file, if Android also crashes? Cable lenght is maybe 1 or 2 meter, gigabit connection is no problem (AVM 7490)


    q200 and q201 dtb are different. Decompile these and just look.


    From the uboot side it can only guess .. that this error could be caused by the switching between rmii and rgmii interface. Otherwise, I have no ideas ..

    Small update

    - forced rgmii mode

    not tested, please try it.


  • Just get this: