ODROID C2 Transfer via Samba limited to 2GB

  • Hello,

    Sorry for my English I'm French

    I installed yesterday Libreelec via the sd card creator provided on the site,

    I activate Samba and SSH and plug an external hard drive that will be permanently on the Odroid to store my movies

    From my MAC I can access my Odroid I see all the files system and among these files I have a folder that has the name of my external DD, the only problem is that when I want to copy a file more from 2GB it blocks to 2.14GO and tells me: The Finder can not complete the operation because some data from ******* can not be read or written.

    (error code -36)

    I try several formats, NTFS, exFAT it's the same, i found that other people have the same problem with samba

    Have you already encounter this problem?

    Have you a solution?

  • FYI, many people from LibreELEC also work for Kodi, so posting your question on multiple forums becomes confusing, as we are not going to give answers on all forums. :)

    As far as the external HDD goes: if you plan on connecting it permanently to LibreELEC, I suggest you use the EXT4 disk format. It is the default format for Linux for some time now. It easily supports 4TB disks.

    One problem might be that the controller of the external HDD is of lesser quality or support, which makes it possible that larger disks have their hiccups. We've seen some Seagate external disks also causing issues.

  • Thank you for your reply

    When you talk about poor quality controller we are talking about the hard disk or usb controller odroir

    the hard drive is a digital western I test tonight the format EXT4

    but I do not think that it is the problem since I have exactly the same in NTFS or EXFAT

    I test a second hard drive or copy on a USB key tonight see if same problem

    Sorry for the double post I think the community was different and
    I'm so blocked by this problem that

    I'm just trying to solve it I buy all this material for this purpose and finally it does not work without understanding why I would test a windows in the weekend in case it is the mac that blocks

  • I meant the controller on the external harddrive, although Western Digital should not have these problems.

    NTFS has a somewhat limited support on Linux, I don't know about ExFat.

    Let us know if EXT4 cures the problem. Also try to use Samba/SMBv2 or v3 in your network connections. Samba v1 is not longer used due to security issues.

  • I try this evening to download FileZila for pimp and I try to send via FTP

    I also had a probléme yesterday I to arrive not has to reach has SSH since the pimp while since the telephone or other one everything works

  • since the mac in FTP I can send without limit of size
    since windows I manage to send 2.5go whereas on mac no but no file of 10go
    As for SSH, I solved the problem
    And it does not matter the format
    But why can not I send big file in SMB?

  • Hello

    I have the latest version of High Sierra,

    What I do not understand is that under Windows I can not nomplu to send big file, yesterday I test 2.5 and 9go the 2.5 passes but not the 9go,

    yet it should pass, windows starts the copy at 0% it look for "elements" then network error message,

    for the client SMB I did not try I look tonight if I find a SMB client for mac

    I can not see via SSH the configuration of the sharing system of my Odroid if by chance there is no limit of right or file size to delete or configure? :

    # smbmount //nas1.domain.com/sharename /datanas -o username=LOGINNAME,password=LOGINPASSWORD,lfs

    This line of code visibly activates the support of Large File Support and solves the problem for some, like doing this under libreelec to test?

    Edited 2 times, last by t3uch1 (January 19, 2018 at 10:41 AM).

  • I just copied a 3.5GB movie file over SMB from Windows 7 to a Skylake NUC running LibreELEC 9.0 Generic without any issue.

    Windows is using wired 1GB ethernet, the Skylake NUC is using 5GHz WiFi, and the NUC is writing to its internal NVME /storage (formatted as ext4), so the LibreELEC Samba server appears to be working as expected and 2GB file sizes are not a problem.

    Have you always had this problem or only since upgrading? I'm surprised Windows is failing to transfer more than 2GB. This sounds more like a problem with the clients (Windows, Mac) than the server, or possibly the network (try a different switch?)

  • I just received my hardware, and from the beginning it does, I try to redo my SD libreelec always the same ... I'm trying tonight with a SMB client on mac, Actually windows do not say that the file is too big but it puts a network error,

  • OK, we did some internal testing and it somewhat supports what you are seeing, but it's probably not a LibreELEC Samba Server issue.

    With Odroid_C2 as the LibreELEC Samba server, a 4GB file copy was attempted from a Linux PC:

    1) Using Nautilus (GUI file manager) copying to Odroid_C2, this failed at 2GB - Nautilus probably uses gfvs or libsmbclient so userland client, and SMB1

    2) Mounting the share with "mount -t cifs -o vers=2.1 //" (ie. SMB2, using kernel CIFS driver) successfully copied the entire file to Odroid_C2

    So it would appear to be a client issue rather than a server (LibreELEC) issue.

    Depending on how you mount the share on the client it may or may not work. Using the "lfs" option may improve your chances of success. I'm not sure if "cifs" is supported by Mac OS (probably not). SMB2 is better than SMB1.

    Mounting the share with "smbfs" has a known 2GB file size limitation, and "smbfs" is not recommended by the Samba Team, however I don't know what Mac OS is using - it could be "smbfs", in which case try using different mount settings (if this is possible).

    The Windows failure is odd, but could be due to a network issue (try a different network cable, different switch, different port). Are you able to read a file larger than 2GB from the LibreELEC Samba Server to Windows? If not, there's a problem somewhere in your network.

    It might be that the same network issue affecting Windows is the cause of the Mac problem, so probably best to fix the issue with Windows first then see if that also fixes the Mac.

  • Hellosorry for the delay
    i tested with windows 7 network error
    windows 10 and another computer: unexpected network error
    in wifi and ethernet the same ...
    I do not have another internet box to try but people with the same have no worries
    if i want to copy a file from odroid to a computer it does not work
    I do not know what to do

  • it works in ftp but I had to buy odroid for this kind of everyday use and ftp is long so that it works at everyone I would like to find the solution and if it is odroid that has a default to exchange it as it is new