Flash eMMC w/o adapter?

  • Hello,

    Sorry for the newbie question, but I can't find the answer anywhere.

    I just got my Odroid C2 yesterday and I am trying to flash my Linux pre-installed eMMC w/ LibreElec

    What I have:

    • Windows Computer
    • USB Drives
    • MicroSD Card and adapter(would prefer not to use this as there is data on it, but not at all off limits)

    What I don't have:

    • eMMC Adapter

    Is there any way I can flash my eMMC with LibreElec w/o having to purchase an adapter? I was hoping for easy flashing from the micro SD or USB drive, but can't seem to find a guide on this method anywhere.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Odroid-C2: you do not have to chose a device tree as it is embedded in kernel.img.

    NOTE: If you are upgrading from someone else's build the safest way is to extract partition content from .img.gz image file and copy it to your SD card/eMMC.

    Run from SD card/USB drive first. If it runs fine, connect to your box over SSH, execute installtointernal command and follow on-screen instructions. This command wipes SYSTEM and DATA partition!

    for Odroid-C2 download image with -C2 suffix

    Have you tried any of the above ?