Shut down problem

  • My machine doesn't shut down properly. I'm using the latest official build on x86_64 intel machine. After shutting down, the pc doesn't turn off, but stays on a black screen, with some small text in white and green (sorry for not beeing more specific on that, I'm at the office now and can't check what it is saying). What can I do?

  • You'd need to check the settings as above. Also, check for anything strange in the BIOS settings (even try restoring to defaults and then set up from there). Lastly, your hardware description is at the less detailed end of the spectrum. What's the hardware consist of? It's hard to give help without knowing anything about the system. Lastly, there's no such version as latest. While we may think we know what you mean, that could change any time there's an update released. Always try to quote real version numbers if possible.