[SOLVED] Dropped frames caused by subtitle rendering

  • And which on this picture is the GPU?

    I assume that two of chips along with Amlogic process is known as gpu ;);)(one of them) but after that procedure which I mention above post, my box becomes heat proof. Now I will install usb fan outside of my box as soon as possible.

    How to CPU governor is set to performance?

    Edited once, last by rajawaqas (December 1, 2017 at 3:19 PM).

  • That's quite an interesting statement, based entirely on "assumption(s)", and wrongful... :P


    as SoC definition suggests:


    See where Mali-450 is residing?

    Two chips, next to the CPU, are memory modules.

    The third - NAND/eMMC.

    As per "performance" governor,

    you have to add this line in "/storage/.config/autostart.sh":

    echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor

    to make it a persistent setting each boot/reboot.

    After first testing the behavior of the box (performance and thermal state), of course. :)

  • Back to the topic again...

    I think "dropped frames with subtitles" issue is related to dropped frames issue when OSD is on. I do not know if this has been discussed here, but even more dropping causes any OSD menu.

  • I think "dropped frames with subtitles" issue is related to dropped frames issue when OSD is on. I do not know if this has been discussed here, but even more dropping causes any OSD menu.

    Maybe yes, I also noticed that, it seems like the OSD is on other frame rate, but I'm not sure.

  • can you share autostart.sh file. I create auostart through notepad in windows but it’s not working. I have no idea about Linux that’s why kindly share the autostart.sh file.

  • Guys please. I guess a few off topic comments are fine but this is really already too much.

    So back to the topic !

    @ afl1/kszaq what about the fact that the stuttering is gone as long you have the advanced codecinfo on sreen ? Did you try it ? Please do if you don't belive it. It should lead to some workaround at least. Like enabling it but yet somehow not displaying anything from the codecinfo if you get what I mean.

    Please take a look !

  • @ afl1/kszaq what about the fact that the stuttering is gone as long you have the advanced codecinfo on sreen ?

    While I can't confirm this (yet - I'll have to try it again at home) I came across something strange yesterday evening. I was watching two episodes of a tv series (BBC production) with 25fps. No stuttering at all with external subtitles enabled.

  • While I can't confirm this (yet - I'll have to try it again at home) I came across something strange yesterday evening. I was watching two episodes of a tv series (BBC production) with 25fps. No stuttering at all with external subtitles enabled.

    I m watching 720p mkv format I notice minor stuttering for the very first line of subtitles.

  • To conclude my experiences with my Minix U9-H

    720p/25fps (AVC) - external subtitles = no stuttering (maybe 1 or 2 stutters per 60 minute episode maximum)

    1080p/24fps (AVC) - external subtitles = stuttering (usually at least 1 dropped frame when new subtitles appear and 1 dropped frame when they disappear)

    1080p/24fps (AVC) - internal subtitles = stuttering (same as above)

    4k/24fps (HEVC) - internal subtitles = stuttering (same as above)

    4k/24fps (HEVC) - external subtitles = stuttering (same as above)

    The good news: All of the above examples show no stuttering when subtitles are disabled

    The stuttering is not always equally bad or noticeable. You won't notice it as much in dialogue pieces, but in action sequences it's sometimes really annoying. Maybe I'm just to sensitive... ;)

  • To conclude my experiences with my Minix U9-H

    The stuttering is not always equally bad or noticeable. You won't notice it as much in dialogue pieces, but in action sequences it's sometimes really annoying. Maybe I'm just to sensitive... ;)

    Exactly the same here.

    I've even found already a buyer but try to stall time while trying to find an alternative S905x box that can play 4k hdr with auto switch features like this Minix without the need of extra cooling but fail to find any so far. Fact is the Minix U9 is really a nice piece of hardware

    I wish the stuttering could somehow solved ;(

    Edited once, last by avirex (December 3, 2017 at 12:49 PM).

  • ...try to stall time while trying to find an alternative S905x box that can play 4k hdr with auto switch features like this Minix without the need of extra cooling but fail to find any so far. Fact is the Minix U9 is really a nice piece of hardware

    I wish the stuttering could somehow solved ;(

    I'll try my luck with a Vero 4k (the only disadvantage I see so far is the missing GB-Ethernet) - I'll let you know how it works out...