Hi there,
I got LibreELEC on a RPi1, and, while it's functional, using the extensions or simply navigating folders is painfully slow. It's not unusual for a simple Youtube request to take one or two full minutes. Now, I get it, running a 2017 OS on 2012 hardware is bound to be slow. But switching to a RPi 3 is not an option at the moment due to the high price tag ($50+).
As I understand, LibreELEC was first meant to be stable, and thus does not allow for easy overclocking.
But the slowness…
I attempted to modify the /flash/config.txt following these instructions (meant for OpenELEC, but both systems are quite similar in this regard), trying the "medium" settings, plus some overvoltage so as to allow for more stable operation.
force_turbo=0####################### Overclock mode settings.## default recommended values are: arm_freq | core_freq | sdram_freq | over_voltage# no overclocking : 700 | 250 | 400 | 0# mode 'Modest' : 800 | 300 | 400 | 0# mode 'Medium' : 900 | 333 | 450 | 2# mode 'High' : 950 | 450 | 450 | 6# mode 'Turbo' : 1000 | 500 | 600 | 6# mode 'Pi2' : 1000 | 500 | 500 | 2
But it doesn't hold after reboot. Although LibreELEC does boot, it appears unable to latch on the network and keep its DHCP-assigned IP (Ethernet, not WiFi). CPU temperature is normal, around 57C with no heatsink under medium load (never goes below 25%), just naturally vented open-top case. Seldom freezes or crashes.
It is currently running off a slightly modified power supply previously used for an old external hard drive. It has both 12V and 5V rail, able to push 2A on both. The 12V rail had no load, and when the RPi is running, a USB voltage/ current monitor records about 180mA drain on the 5V rail, but only 4.64V. When I load the 12V rail with a small 12V LED bulb (around 190mA drain), the 5V climbs to 4.77V, and I can reach 4.85V if I plug a DVD drive (idle). Thus, the 5V real voltage seems dependent of the 12V load.
Is the 5V rail voltage too low to ensure stable operation with overclocking?
What is the maximum real voltage an RPi 1 can take without damage? 5.1V. 5.2V?
Is my /flash/config.txt missing parameters to ensure stable overclocking?
Is the CPU simply too hot at 57C?
Or some other reason why it fails?