RPi-Cam-Web-Interface for LibreElec. Why isn't available yet?

  • Why isn't it available yet? Because no one has bothered to write the functionality for it. Via a port, an add-on or otherwise.

    Kodi is primarily developed as a strict multimedia solution for videos and music. The whole domotica aspect including security video surveillance is currently not on our agenda.

    Using a more enhanced OS like Ubuntu Mate could offer better out-of-the-box functionality on a Raspberry Pi 3.

  • Why isn't it available yet? Because no one has bothered to write the functionality for it. Via a port, an add-on or otherwise.

    Kodi is primarily developed as a strict multimedia solution for videos and music. The whole domotica aspect including security video surveillance is currently not on our agenda.

    Using a more enhanced OS like Ubuntu Mate could offer better out-of-the-box functionality on a Raspberry Pi 3.

    This is true, LibreELEC is strict multimedia software for RPi. But is plenty of addons which aren't strict multimedia e.g RPi-tools with basic picamera.