i cant find the right Action ID which jumps back to the video, i can use "Back", but that first goes all the way back to the top menu and than back to the video.
" doesnt seem to do it.
should do it
i cant find the right Action ID which jumps back to the video, i can use "Back", but that first goes all the way back to the top menu and than back to the video.
" doesnt seem to do it.
should do it
antenna connection is very sensitive to minor disturbance
Did you try to change and replace your connections?Don't have any sensitivity issues with my tv-hat
Please note RPi 4B has a low power limit on USB ports so even though the power supply (connected to RPi) is strong enough, the external HDD (powered by USB port only) might not work. Use the USB hub with external power supply or a fork USB cable (allowing to connect an external power supply).
Raspberry Pi 4 once again, just as it’s predecessors, delivers 1.2A max to all USB connectors.
Meaning, since USB 3.0 needs a max of 900mA and USB 2.0 max. 500mA,at max power you can either use ONE USB 3.0 port or TWO USB 2.0 ports.
Thanks for your message.
Re 1st question. I don't know if VNC supports 4K but if not perhaps there's a way for VNC to connect to the second screen (nothing is plugged into it) or a virtual screen and have that running at 1080P.
Re 2nd question. I use VNC to manually update the library after adding new content and to check it has named everything correctly.
Just use chorus for that..
6 min is a bit too much for your wifi to connect after startup..not sure if you can delay startup that long from settings but you can always delay the startup of your service but I would avoid these workarounds and start by trying to fix your network issues..or just go wired if possible.
If you want to try service delay change the addon.py content to something like this:
Another note: Some of the problems might be caused by a stange thing. If I your txt-file to a zip and upload, it works. If I make the txt file to a zip file, unpack, edit and pack again it doesn't work any more. So I just changed the video ID and get a an error on installation that the structure is not corect and the instalation didn't work.
Not sure what's going on..
Can't you just connect to your box from a PC and edit from there?
post the video id here I ll try it for you
Sooo short delay due to holidays....
It answers
import xbmcaddon
ImportError: No module named xbmcaddon
Try This as before.. rename .txt to .zip and install as addon
What do you mean by NONE? In the SAMBA settings, there is only the choice between SMB1, 2 or 3 (for min and max).
However I just tried to activate the router's media center service (in addition to files sharing). And now, through the UPnP protocol in KODI I can see my USB flash drive!!!
You should also have "none" option..are you changing the samba settings from kodi system settings on from LE addon?You should play from kodi settings..
Try "NONE" and force legacy ..browse to your network path and add location then change settings to smb1 again
rename .txt to .zip and install as addon
Try and make a service addon...
Made you one to try..just build on it and edit where you need..
Just rename file ext from .txt to .zip and install and restart...give it a try..
Display MoreThat helped a lot!
- Yes, its a RPI
- I changed my plan of an alarm clock, but use a wifi socket to enable the power for my RPI. So finally I need to start the process after boot.
- I created the shell file and tried it --> works perfectly
- However, CRON works only after I restart it manually via SSH. Otherwise I get an error message regarding a time disparity:
● cron.service - Cron daemon
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/cron.service; disabled; vendor preset Active: active (running) since Thu 2019-04-11 18:28:53 CEST; 2 years 2 months Process: 226 ExecStartPre=/bin/mkdir -p /storage/.cache/cron/crontabs (code=ex Main PID: 230 (crond) Memory: 204.0K CGroup: /system.slice/cron.service └─230 /sbin/crond -f -S
Apr 11 18:28:52 XXX systemd[1]: Starting Cron daemon...
Apr 11 18:28:53 XXX systemd[1]: Started Cron daemon.
Jul 10 23:01:51 XXX crond[230]: time disparity of 1182512 minutes det
So at the moment the command @reboot bash /storage/Test.sh doesn't work, whereas when I restart CRON e.g. the code 0 0 * * * bash /storage/Test.sh works properly. I found a post SOLVED cron won't work which describes the same problem, but I wasn't able to figure out how to solve the problem... May you help one more time?
Just ssh
after playing around or adding cron timers to /storage/.cache/cron/crontabs/root
Also you don't need that bash in your commands
Are you trying to make the script start at boot instead of alarm/cron?
As for recording locally and transfering: I will have a hard time figuring out the post processing of TVHeadend. The wiki was not very self explaining. I checked it, because I was planed on converting to .mpg4 after recordings and deleting the .TS. But holy $§%" is that complicated. I quickly gave up.
I wonder why TVHeadend is so narrow/vanilla/basic regardings the configuration. E.g. the pathlink to the recording folder first of all. Why can't it just offer a GUI-based folder navigation to enter the path?
Also post processing coman´ds? Often used usecases (mpg-convert, moving after recording, etc..) should definately be possible with drop downs/checkboxes etc. !!!
Well that's part of the fun to get complicated but once you get used to it it's not that bad...to be honest it took me months to build my post processing script to my needs changing here and there but once you r satisfied and it does what you need you ll forget about it..
If you decide to try ask here and you ll get some help..you have ffmpeg to convert your videos after recording is done and rsync to move it and tvheadend api to change tvheadend path to your moved recording if you still want it to show in tvheadend recordings..
Display MoreThanks, that was very helpful!
I managed to set up SSH.
Autoexec is out of date as I tried and read.
Thus, I created a python script containing your code (with set video ID) and uploaded it as "autoexec.py" in the userdata folder. This doesn't seem to work. So what is the mistake?
Furthermore, as I want to adjust volume after some time as well as brightness, is there a reference manual or tutorial where commands are collected and explained?
Thanks a lot!!!
Not sure why you need autoexec?do you want the video to start when kodi starts or as an alarm while kodi is already running?
What hardware are you using?is it a rpi?
here are some commands.
kodi-send --action="SetVolume(100)" # set desired volume to 100 = 100%
kodi-send --action="PlayMedia(plugin://plugin.video.youtube/?action=play_video&videoid=your_youtube_video_id)"
sleep 30 # keep volume at 100% for 30 seconds
kodi-send --action="SetVolume(0)" # set volume to 0 = 100%
sleep 30 # keep volume at 0% for 30 seconds
kodi-send --action="SetVolume(100)" # set volume to 100 again = 100%
You save that as alarm.sh and test from ssh then set cron to run that script at your convenience ..
brightness I have no idea if it can be set..
You need to ssh t your libreelec box..use something like Winscp for windows..
For your youtube video to start as alarm make a small script and run with cron..
something like this works fine..
Display MoreHi,
can someone please help me with a step by step tutorial how to mount my Fritz.NAS - Drive to Libreelec 9.2.7?
I want to use it for recording in the THHeadend server.
The "HowTo"-Links I found are all dead:
The drive is located at
// Aufnahmen
Please help me!
While it's easy enough to mount a share for tvheadend recordings I prefer to record locally and use rsycn in a small script post-processor command from tvheadend just in case network to your server fails during recording..especially it your server is away from home.
Description=cifs mount script
What=// Aufnahmen
Display More
If you go this way you need something like this..
I also have problems with RPi Tools. For me the GPIO pins don't hold their state uninterrupted. I'll ask the dev's to recompile that add-on.
Da Flex are you still on LE 9.2.6 as I don't have any issues?