USB Tuner recommendations for RPi

  • Currently I have 2 RP3s. Both running LibreElec & Kodi. One is just for viewing films stored on a 6TB USB drive and the other has TVHeadend and a TVHat. The pair ran really well until I installed a laptop cooling fan which needed me to move the RPis. Ultimately I trace the trouble I was having with recording on the sensitivity of the connection to the TVHat PCB - the smallest nudge can cause signal loss which requires much messing before recording again works.

    I've found this (DVB-T2 USB Devices - LinuxTVWiki) but its 6 years old and I know the Hauppauge line will work with RPi just wondering if there are any others that people would recommend.

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  • Things that run over the network are generally a good idea as it means you can run whatever you want as a client device with (if needed) a different known-good combination of OS + drivers + firmware on the back end. Hauppague are good. HDHomeRun devices also seem to get good press.

  • I'm planning on having a Pi dedicated as a "TV server". Is there a list anywhere showing which devices are supported by LibreElec/KODI/TVHeadend? I'm not keen on spending £60 on a Hauppage and finding there isn't a driver.

  • Can't speak to LE 10 on the RP3's but on the RP4 I was able to get the hauppauge WinTV DualHD Dual USB 2.0 working fine out of the box with the tvheadend server. Their WinTV DualHD QUAD USB doesn't work yet though, and I saw in another thread it has to do with the Pi not using the current kernel (I think). That said, the Quad can work with ubuntu, so I set the quadhd up on an ubuntu server and am running Tvheadend on that for now (i bought both but ultimately retuned the Dual because we have 3 Tvs).

  • chewitt

    I appreciate that people here are volunteers but whilst I have umpteen years Windows experience I have virtually zero Linux knowledge and I would prefer not to have to learn yet another programming language just to find which bits of hardware are currently supported. On the other hand its possible I may be misunderstanding your recommendation.


    Thanks, that give me some useful information. I've had a look on Amazon and my wallet is cringing <G> I also tried contacting Haupagge and was told to ask elsewhere.


    Thanks. I already have a TV Hat and I want to replace it since the antenna connection is very sensitive to minor disturbance.

  • I should clarify what I said about the kernel -- from the other thread it appeared that Libreelec 10 specifically on the Pi didn't yet have the kernel that supported the QuadHD, but does support the DualHD. Ubuntu does support the Quad, although I can't speak for raspbian.

    Also the thing with the price is you have to remember you'll probably never need to buy one again, so there's that. :)

  • ... I would prefer not to have to learn yet another programming language just to find which bits of hardware are currently supported...

    why that ?

    throwing the correct Firmware on the device is mostly all you need to do and mainly reading before buying.

    in your first post you mentioned LinuxTVWiki and there the device list

    just check the column "Supported" and esp. "in kernel"

    - feed google with the "Vendor Device / Model" and the add "+linux" to the search

    - and feed google with the device components (column "Hardware") and add "+linux" to the search

    be aware:

    your are more on the safer side if you buy elder hardware, at least not the newest (keyword: kernel support, maybe is planed, but could last ...month...) and not from exotic vendor.

    as said: hauppauge has a good name, but also a price. bought a sat device ~7 years ago, driver/software (windows though, but...) are still available from hauppauge.

    vendor's change the device internals and let the name and description the same (only findable with device ID or in Wiki "ID on interface" (PCI, USB) when the device is in your box)

    so all finding with google maybe outdated

    double check and make sure you are able to give the device back to the seller and of course get the money back (not only a credit item)

    it's not rocket sci*ence

    Edited 2 times, last by GDPR-7 (September 18, 2021 at 7:41 PM).

  • Thanks for the responses


    I tried changing all the bits I had spares for, the connector between the TVHat and the antenna's coax isn't one of those. I've ended up blaming it because I've eliminated (I think) the other options. Things work fine as long as the Pi isn't disturbed so I may source another connector if I don't go down the RPi4 route. If I go that way I'll probably go for a Hauppage dual tuner.


    "why that ?" - because it was suggested I start reading the source headers

    "your are more on the safer side if you buy elder hardware" - that is a very good point, and one I hadn't really thought about.


    "Also the thing with the price is you have to remember you'll probably never need to buy one again, so there's that. :)" - you obviously didn't realise I'm a Yorkshireman living in Scotland so I have a double helping of hating to spend money.

    Good point though.

  • ...


    "why that ?" - because it was suggested I start reading the source headers


    I guess the advise was given to e.g. recheck the "ID on Interface" (see in LinuxTVWiki) usually also named USB-ID or PCI-ID (for non-usb-devices).

    in short: if the specific ID is not in the kernel-driver-file (yet) : NO support for that specific device !

    for example see:

    TerraTec Cinergy S2 - LinuxTVWiki

    => under "Update" (written by me)

    I tried to declare that stuff in my prev. comment

    => "vendor's change the device internals ..."