So my question still stands.
Is 80°C a temperature these processors, S905X and S912, actually can handle without melting down?
I don´t think so.
I got ~40° @S905X and ~50° @S912 box - without any cooling modding
Room temperature ~20°
So my question still stands.
Is 80°C a temperature these processors, S905X and S912, actually can handle without melting down?
I don´t think so.
I got ~40° @S905X and ~50° @S912 box - without any cooling modding
Room temperature ~20°
English please
Any suggestion which is the best for plug&play?
ASIX AX88178 Chipset
ASIX AX88179 Chipset
Realtek rtl8153 Chipset
Working oob
Tim_Taylor Any issues with the Z6? Resolution, and frame-rate switching? Passthrough for Atmos and DTS:X? I am considering picking one up.
Known issue: rendering subtitles - S912 issue
Passthrough: works
Resolution: works
frame-rate switching - don´t know(I don´t care about this)
I´m only watching Videos & Music from NAS - wired network
WiFi 2.4/5 GHz working, but I don´t use it.
No 'special addons' no live TV, no DVB-S2 tuner ....
I´m not making coffee with my box
HEVC HDR 10 Bit works in LE
Samba works in LE - configuration need in some cases
HEVC/HDR/10 Bit - TV and AVR must support it
Question: Which 912 box would be preferred with gigabit network? H96 pro?
See my signature:
Vorke Z6 has gigabit network
Any suggestions?
Maybe the .tar file is corrupted, try to test the integrity of the file
I copied the xxxx.tar into the Update Folder after flashing and did a reboot.
Wrong folder - Update folder is used for upgrade/update LE
I did a lot of backups/restore using LE Backup Tool - it works
but these boxes are just full of (sometimes unpleasant) surprises.
I know
Got three of this boxes and using workarounds
- wired network
- using internal memory for data
Only one problem with this: there will be only one USB slot left ...
You can use an USB hub if You need more USB slots
Is there a way to correct the u-boot environment somehow? (I'm assuming that is what is incorrect)
Have a look at the command fw_setenv
No direct link to sellers - forum rules
TommyL i seen this details?id=me.thomastv.rebootupdate posted over on the Kodi forums, no idea if it works though
It works.
Amcodec hardware acceleration is buggy (plays certain files which play normal under libreelec 8.2.1.x choppy or stops playing them). What can I do to report this properly or is this already reported?
Youtube addon is not working. Twitch addon is not working... come on i removed android just to avoid sh1t like this!
Those are able to read, are at an advantage indeed.
tried it LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.2- did not work. The firmware is stitched into the internal memory.
Try the .tar
Sometimes .gz will not work for downgrade
Hello! I ask how to make a downgrade from 9 to 8.2.1?
Same way like update
[HOWTO + FAQ] Install community builds on S905/S905X/S912 device
and the only dtb I can get to boot is the original that comes in img.gz, which works perfect, except it only sees 1GB of memory.
The box has 2Gb fake ram - 1Gb real ram