Original remote.conf from Android will be found in /etc
Posts by Tim_Taylor
Not really. From HK website:
May be, may be not ...
I think there are only small quantities in current production
Just my opinion
Where can I find a C2 with honest price? It seems that it's impossible to find one...
No links to sellers allowed(forum rules)
C2 is at the end of lifecycle -> high price
DVI can only handle RGB
LE 8.2 or LE9.x don´t support RGB
Try 100MBit device tree Index of /s912/8.2/device_trees/100Mbit_Ethernet
Sorry, I forgot that libreelec only for 1080p
LE supports 4k video
Youtube Addon supports ..... ?????
Checked the Swordsmith sample - no frame skips
Playing sample from NAS using NFS and Gb network USB adapter
TV switch automatically to HDR
You can try:
1. check TV settings - I had to configure HDMI port to 10Bit
2. play the sample from lokal connected usb-stick/sd-card/usb-hdd
3. use Gb network USB adapter
Your AVR supports 10Bit & BT.2020 ?
Does this LIBREELEC version supports BLUETOOTH? (I have updated to latest LE and dbt version!)
LE supports bluetooth, but
LE needs a driver - some chipsets are not supported
I do not understand why there are no proper GPU drivers for S912 chips.
It was explained many times
at some point got it running from sd card at the moment but would prefer running from nand.
Why do You prefer running from nand ?
But, you think, SD is faster than USB? isnt it the same Bus?
And nand isnt faster as SD/USB?? Then there isnt a Profit, installing LE on nand...
It depends
Cheap and slow SD card isn´t faster than fast USB stick
You don´t know how fast is internal card reader
Nand could be fast, but if You own a box with fast internal card reader and use a high performance SD card
Then there isn´t a profit installing LE on nand.
I own boxes with fast internal card reader and I use expensive SD cards(Samsung & Sandisk) - Why should I install LE on nand ?
I understand.
No, You don´t understand
storage for Testfiles and Movietrailers in Multichannel, 32gb are full very fast.
You can use an usb stick or usb hdd or nas ........
RC is most recognized as a keyboard after start - can´t start the box
Patience was never one of my virtues
Reinhold Niebur said:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,And wisdom to know the difference.
I assume those temperatures are idle...
I only watch music & video from my NAS.
No special addons, no live tv
CPU load is <10%
Yesterday evening we watched 720p(AVC) & 1080p(HEVC) mkv videos with external subtitles on my S912 device.
Maybe we are to old, but we noticed no stuttering