It could be interesting to see just what percentage of LE and or Kodi users would be interested in support for dedicated web browser addon. Just thinking out loud here.
Posts by Reddirt
It sounds like a really large project to tackle. Perhaps with the performance enhancements of the RPi5 someone will take interest and get a ball rolling.
Just out of curiosity would it have to be Chrome? Possibly a light weight plain jane browser? Having access to a web browser makes LE a very special and useful system IMHO. Just some thoughts here.
Are there any plans in the future to replace X11 with a more up to date window system?
Oh my what a can of worms. I did some checking and found this list which seems pretty complete for Linux and Windows however I also found left and right parenthesis are allowed in filenames KODI file manager dosen't like them and will cause errors. So possibly KODI's file manager has it's own set of filename rules. Here's the list I found:
The forbidden printable ASCII characters are:
/ (forward slash)
< (less than)
> (greater than)
: (colon - sometimes works, but is actually NTFS Alternate Data Streams)
" (double quote)
/ (forward slash)
\ (backslash)
| (vertical bar or pipe)
? (question mark)
* (asterisk) -
I believe the character rules are defined in the general Linux filename vocabulary. I have had a few file errors pop up mostly with addons inserting ( and ) in mp3 filenames and sometimes in mkv files as well. Sometimes they cause no issues in LE or Kodi until I attempt a copy/move with the Kodi file manager. Maybe one of our Linux gurus can point us to the list of verbotten characters for future reference.
I used ssh and followed the link from DaFlex to create an EDID file. 1st time ever I rebooted my RPI5 on our old Sony with no issues whatsoever. You're the man D and thanks. Also kudos to Harry for a quick education on the how and why of EDID. Since this old Sony is the only TV with a RPI5 issue it's likely an aged TV firmware issue and nothing to do with LE.
Thanks for the detailed explanation. That explains why we sometimes have issues with HDMI connected devices. Also good to know I could create a file to work around the auto config although I understand why it's done this way.
I had no idea the order in which devices were powered might be an issue. If I understand correctly the RPi5 system will record all necessary EDID info on it's 1st run and save in a permanent file for future boots?
Just curious here what brand/model of TV are you using with your Rpi5?
This appears to be the same issue I've experienced with my RPi5 as well. A reboot and no signal at HDMI. I suspect it's more of a TV brand/age HDMI issue than the RPi5 but curious to see what he comes up with.
I leave my RPi5 running 24-7 with the old Sony 46" Bravia and sure enough I tried a restart of the system and it got stuck once again too. Unplugged the Roku the antenna then the RPi5. Turned everything off. Held my tongue a bit to the right, waited ten minutes, turned around clockwise three times then plugged all back in and turned on the Sony [with rh fingers crossed] and viola! Crazy stuff. I'm 99% sure current technology is not playing well with decade + old software used in the TVs back then. I'll take the win.
I'm only replying as an x86 user on I3,I5,I7 and AMD A9 hardware as I never had any install issues. LE installed on a Sandisk USB3 thumdrive runs equally well on all my systems. It really sounds like the NVME in your system is hosing up the install somehow. Not what ya want to hear I know but sometimes the simplest fix is a different drive. Even a new SSD at today's good prices would make a top notch HTPC. The RPi5 is another great choice BTW and runs LE12 very smooth.
I confess I still own a VCR but it's stashed deep in a closet somewhere. All our VHS tapes and DVDs were transferred to disc a decade ago. You still using a dial style telly as well?
Re: VCR still connected
Hey ya never know when Rocky XX might come out on VHS right?
On my Sony none of the HDMI inputs were connecting properly to any device. I did some research at Sony website and tried disconnecting all HDMI inputs,TV factory reset then one by one connect each device and so far all is working again. Likely older Sony HDMI software and or display timing issues. I don't believe it's a LE or RPi issue. YMMV.
Seems my issue is simply a Sony HDMI handler thing. I think Sony did way more with their hdmi control system than they needed to. It causes me all manner of problems when active inputs are selected. Makes my head hurt.
Humm. I have a similar issue going on with my RPi5 and a nightly build. A simple reboot and Sony TV reports "No Signal" after repeated reboots (hard and soft) still no signal. Boots normal on a different TV so very curious what's going on.