Network mount fails after upgrade to LE12

  • A few days ago I started the upgrade LE11 -> LE12. Everything went fine - but LE12 won't mount my samba share any more. I get this error message:

    journalctl -xe
    May 27 17:52:50 LibreELEC systemd[1]: Mounting storage-ProLiant.mount...
    May 27 17:52:50 LibreELEC mount[1958]: username specified with no parameter
    May 27 17:52:50 LibreELEC systemd[1]: storage-ProLiant.mount: Mount process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
    May 27 17:52:50 LibreELEC systemd[1]: storage-ProLiant.mount: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
    May 27 17:52:50 LibreELEC systemd[1]: Failed to mount storage-ProLiant.mount.

    I double checked my mount definition file (storage-ProLiant.mount) but it is completely unchanged, and contains full username and password.
    I disabled the "old" mountpoint, rebooted LE and enabled the mountpoint again: Still no connection to the share.

    For info, here's my mount def file (credentials replaced by ****)

    Did I make a mistake? How can I reconnect my Network share?

  • Try..Check kodi settings services smb client minimum 1,maximum 3,

    Make sure folder on your PC is shared..

    Check mount file for any errors from editing on windows

    dos2unix /storage/.config/system.d/storage-test_mount.mount

    This is working to mount an HDD from Windows 11 on LE12...looks same as yours to me..

    Description=cifs mount script



    systemd file name is storage-test_mount.mount

  • Hello Mario77,

    Check kodi settings services smb client minimum 1,maximum 3,

    The issue is not related to kodi. The mount error occurs on booting LE (error message: network FAILED), before kodi is started.


    Make sure folder on your PC is shared.

    I use a dedicated server that runs openmediavault. The server is fine, and all data can be acessed without problem.
    With LE11, I had no problems connecting.


    Check mount file for any errors from editing on windows

    I did not edit the mount file, and it worked before with LE11.

    Any other idea?

    Edited once, last by fanformusik (May 28, 2024 at 9:15 AM).

  • Pretty common error it seems. You can run the chkdsk app in windows or a more simple solution is select your drive in windows from file explorer, click properties, Tools then error checking. It's a windows file issue more than LE.

  • Reddirt :

    I am NOT using any Windows PCs in my setup (see above: My server runs openmediavault, i.e. Linux based). The issue startet after I updated LE11 to LE12, and there was no other change. So, I think it must be related to that somehow.

  • Quote

    LE (error message: network FAILED), before kodi is started.

    I think you mean mount failed..

    That's what you get if you don't set min and max smb version where I told you above...(from kodi)

    Can you access your server from file manager?

    vers=2.1 is probably giving the read my post again...Did you check your SMB settings?

    If your error is error message: network FAILED try to set wait for network with about 5 sec delay..

    If you just upgraded I don't think kodi's SMB settings should had been altered but if you made a fresh install you ll need to set them back up..

    Edited 3 times, last by Mario77: Merged a post created by Mario77 into this post. (May 28, 2024 at 7:32 PM).

  • Mario77 :

    Here are my actual settings (from kodi):
    Lowest supported protocol version = SMB2
    Highest supported protocol version = SMB3

    For testing I changed SMB2 to SMB1, but no success.

    Network waiting delay = 10 sec

    Messages on LE boot:
    Waiting on network to come online...
    Failed to mount storage-ProLiant.mount (=the mount def file)

    Interestingly, from within kodi I can access the server without problems, but during LE startup mounting a network share to a local folder fails (I need this for TV recording, TVheadend can't write to network).

  • did you try to run

    dos2unix /storage/.config/system.d/storage-ProLiant.mount

  • And here again, the messages

    journalctl -xe

    May 28 20:46:50 LibreELEC systemd[1]: Mounting storage-ProLiant.mount...
    May 28 20:46:50 LibreELEC systemd[1]: Starting nmbd.service...
    May 28 20:46:50 LibreELEC mount[924]: username specified with no parameter
    May 28 20:46:50 LibreELEC systemd[1]: Started service.tvheadend42.service.
    May 28 20:46:50 LibreELEC systemd[1]: Finished wait-time-sync.service.
    May 28 20:46:50 LibreELEC systemd[1]: storage-ProLiant.mount: Mount process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
    May 28 20:46:50 LibreELEC systemd[1]: storage-ProLiant.mount: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
    May 28 20:46:50 LibreELEC systemd[1]: Failed to mount storage-ProLiant.mount.
  • Mario77 : Thank you for your help! This time, things changed:

    dos2unix... did not help.

    For curiosity, I checked my config file /storage/.config/system.d/storage-ProLiant.mount . And it had NO credentials info under "options". How can that happen? So, I added the login data manually with nano and rebooted LE. The share would not be mounted again, but this time the error messages are different. See below "...Unknown parameter 'vers2.1'.

    Does that give an indication what's wrong?

    May 28 21:16:59 LibreELEC systemd[1]: Mounting storage-ProLiant.mount... 
    May 28 21:16:59 LibreELEC systemd[1]: Starting nmbd.service... 
    May 28 21:16:59 LibreELEC connmand[684]: eth0 {del} route gw scope 0 <UNIVERSE> 
    May 28 21:16:59 LibreELEC mount[932]: mount error(22): Invalid argument 
    May 28 21:16:59 LibreELEC mount[932]: Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) and kernel log messages (dmesg) 
    May 28 21:16:59 LibreELEC systemd[1]: storage-ProLiant.mount: Mount process exited, code=exited, status=32/n/a 
    May 28 21:16:59 LibreELEC systemd[1]: storage-ProLiant.mount: Failed with result 'exit-code'. 
    May 28 21:16:59 LibreELEC kernel: cifs: Unknown parameter 'vers2.1' 
    May 28 21:16:59 LibreELEC systemd[1]: Failed to mount storage-ProLiant.mount. 
  • Here you are (password replaced by *****):

    I tried manual mounting (password replaced by *****):

    LibreELEC:~ # mount -t cifs -o username=Michael,password=*****,vers=2.1 // /storage/ProLiant

    This works as expected. I can see all my server files in /storage/ProLiant.

    Any idea?

    UPDATE : I found it :)

    In my mount definition file (see above) the "=" was missing: vers2.1 needs to be vers=2.1

    Changed it and the share is mounted.

    Edited 2 times, last by fanformusik: Ein Beitrag von fanformusik mit diesem Beitrag zusammengefügt. (May 29, 2024 at 9:33 AM).