Can someone advise me of a link/tutorial that can show me how to show what I have scanned in via tvheadend, on the Win 10 pc at the same time, like the picture in this thread
I have tvheadend up/running on my win 10 pc and linked to my libreelec K1 plus, but would like to see the channels playing on the pc, within tvheadend, like this, to ensure they are working ok.
I can sometimes get audio, then no video, or video that immediately displays but then stops. However it all plays perfectly on the android box?
In this instance I am trying to play a satellite Optus D3 test tuning channel audio and video feed (mpeg 2) which is fta
I sort of figured a work around, using the "play" button on normal channel list epg, setting VLC as the default, sending it as an m3u,and it can play it that way on the desktop.
The inbuilt player in tvheadend still won't display for me though.
The version is HTS Tvheadend 4.1.2415 ~ LibreELEC Tvh-addon v8.1.109
More googling for me, unless someone can kindly assist as to what I may be doing wrong?
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HI...SORRY..just figured it out...I just need to press the "watch tv" button top right.
I can get audio, but no video, however it all plays perfectly on the android box??
In this instance I am simply trying to play the Optus D3 test tuning channel audio and video feed which is fta
More googling for me

I sort of figured a work around, using the "play" button on normal channel list, setting vlc as the default, sending it as an m3u,and can play it that way on the desktop.
This is fine, but I must need to do something with the audio track as it keeps going up and down continuously..very annoying.
The inbuilt player in tvheadend still won't display for me though.