Posts by gujal

    Is there a possibility to enable hardware acceleration for video plack? In VMWare workstation settings it is enabled, but it says "You must update Tools to enable 3D acceleration in this virtual machine"


    Quote from gujal

    2. Cryptodome library missing in the build so addons that rely on cryptodome refuse to start

    3. inputstream.ffmpegdirect is missing in the build

    Describe in detail the steps for checking what I can check for myself.

    balbes150 Just install Netflix plugin from the offical netflix repo


    Dont even have to configure it as it runs a service which relies on Cryptodome part of script.module.pycryptodome

    I then checked the /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages folder and both Cryptodome and PIL are missing, so both script.module.pycryptodome and script.module.pil are broken in the current build

    This is the content from milhouse R-Pi build of the same directory and you can see that it has both cryptodome and pil

    Regarding inputstream.ffmpegdirect, this is quite new and milhouse has it included in his recent builds since #213, may be it is too early to be in your build

    Added versions of aarch64 images for testing.


    Runs fine on a WeChip V5 (s905X 2GB RAM) from 16GB SD Card

    Plays H.264 videos with Prime Hardware acceleration, (occasional lock to green screen, but manageable)

    HEVC only SW Decoder so realistically cant do beyond 720p

    IR Remote works fine

    Bluetooth works fine

    Wifi works fine in both 2.4GHz and 5 GHz

    no more cpufreq related errors on startup

    Some things that need looking into:

    1. HDMI CEC doesnt work

    2. Cryptodome library missing in the build so addons that rely on cryptodome refuse to start

    3. inputstream.ffmpegdirect is missing in the build

    Minor annoyances, would be nice if it can be fixed

    4. occasional hang on finishing playback of videos in addons such as youtube and dailymotion

    5. If left on idle without using for may be 30 minutes, display goes blank and never recovers, have to powercycle

    Overall great image to play with, Thanks balbes150


    I am running the following image on my Wechip V5 S905X based box and am getting an error during startup


    Error relates to cpufreq and asks to check the status using the following command

    systemctl status cpufreq.service

    Upon checking this is the output

    I navigated to /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq and didn't see a ondemand directory

    Is the issue due to missing directory in the squashfs or is it a typo as there are 2 slashes in the path after ondemand

    Please advise on what I should do get this issue fixed. Thanks balbes150

    Have any of you had any luck finding a Kodi 18 version which works with these boxes. I've tried all *Elec versions that I can find and none of them boot on this box. Demetris's LibreELEC-S8X2.arm-8.2.3-MXIII-1G.img is the last working image I can find.

    Demetris built an initial batch of 9.0 build for MX-IIIPlus and S82 devices such a MX-III2G. He hasnt updated them for the latest LE 9.0.1 yet
    You can get those builds here

    Damn, I need help. My box is MXIII (S802 2GB) Some time ago managed to install Remix and LibreElec 8.2.3 (S82 build, worked great), then started to play with Lakka 2.1.1 S82 and decided to install to nand. All good. Now, months later, I want to try "again" LibreElec 8.2.3 and I cant for the life of my boot from SD nor Pendrive. Flashed the IMG, put "" and "remote.conf", and cant boot with the damn toothpick. If I use a SD card, it says filesystem corrupted, and if I use pendrive, it goes to recovery or boots directly to Lakka.

    Could someone describe the exact and precise process to boot again from SD or Pendrive?

    I also want to try 9.0... but fisrt 8.2.3


    In such cases, you need to start with Android Image again. USB Burning tool is your friend

    ok guys since my devices have updates mixed up as i flashed custom bootloaders on them i will try to revert to oem amlogic bootloader that all of you have and try again to produce working images for all people :)

    Sorry for the mess i caused for some of you.

    Will take a while though, do you want the released images removed in the mean time? Let me know.

    Thanks Demetris, Please take your time and release a stable version when you are ready. To add into the mix, Kodi 18.1 is out, so please wait and build when LE upstream is ready with 18.1

    I am happy with 8.2.3 for now and eagerly waiting for the LE9.x stream

    Because it's the only one that works properly on my M8 box. All the more recent versions have very high CPU usage at all times which affects interface speed, playback etc.

    Yes, I had the same issue on the newer ones. If you connect to the box though ssh and run `top` you most probably would see a process called brcmpatch using 100% of one of the cores. To get rid of the issue I had to do a reset config in LE settings. a reboot after that, it was all fine. You will lose all your settings though including any kodi addons that you may have installed.

    Thanks very much for all your work for these boxes.

    Just confirming there is a problem in recent builds for the M8 box, regarding CPU usage.

    8.0.RC4 gives idle CPU usage around 3%.

    More recent versions idle CPU usage is around 30-40%.

    These figures are with wifi and bluetooth both disabled.

    8.2.3 is the latest version and even that is from almost a year ago. Why are you using 8.0RC4?

    Lucky I'm busy yesterday and haven't done it yet. :D

    I run LE on my MX-III from internal emmc only. Android is completely gone but can easily be putback using amlogic usb burn tool if ever needed.

    However I do not do 'installtointernal'

    The way I did is by starting with Drieschel's build which gets intalled from sdcard to internal by default. And then upgrade it to Demtris' build using the standard LE upgrade procedure
    Drieschel's build is from this thread