Posts by petediscrete

    I’d recommend TVHeadend. It’s a simple installation of two addons, the first being the server and the other being the client.

    You’ll find the server addon and the client addon in the LibreELEC repository >Services>TVHeadend Server 4.3(Alpha) and the client on >PVR clients>TVHeadend HTSP Client.

    Once the server addon is installed you can configure it remotely with the aid of the TVH Wizard. Very simple indeed.

    You're right: ntfsfix is severly limited. It always has been. In fact, the manpage specifically states that "ntfsfix is NOT a Linux version of chkdsk. It only repairs some fundamental NTFS inconsistencies, resets the NTFS journal file and schedules an NTFS consistency check for the first boot into Windows."

    However, the issue under discussion here is that a simple unclean dismount (i.e. pulling the plug on an USB device without first dismounting it cleanly, having a power failure or other crash, or simply moving a cable with a dodgy plug or connector) will leave the "dirty bit" set on the NTFS partition regardless of whether or not anything has been corrupted. LE then refuses to remount it, ever.

    As of LE11.0.3 there's no ntfsfix at all included to reset the dirty bit. That means that as soon as you have even the slightest hiccup with and NTFS disk on LE, you need to plug the HD into either a Linux box that has ntfsfix on it, or into a Windows box and run Chkdsk. That's a bit hard to live with, and simply restoring ntfsfix to LE will go a long way to fixing that problem.

    If you have real NTFS corruption problems, no amount of ntfsfix will help you and only running Chkdsk on a Windows box will sort it out. But that's a Linux issue, not an LE issue. NTFS support for Linux has never been great (although these days it's sufficient for all regular purposes) but the lack of a proper Chkdsk alternative that can repair a corrupted NTFS has been a problem since NTFS support was first introduced in Linux.

    As petediscrete already suggested above, testdisk may be a better alternative for ntfsfix. However, for daily LE use ntfsfix will be sufficient in most cases and infinitely better than nothing at all (which LE11.0.3 currently has).

    Or else keep NTFS systems away from the Linux party. It really is a matter of re education for Windows users. With shares and other network solutions does anyone really need to be using an NTFS disc on LE anyone. And for those who do, with storage being so cheap these days a simple copy over of the contents of the NTFS disk to EXT4 would suffice before hooking up to the LE machine. Honestly what can’t be done in Linux that can be done in Windows. I prefer spending my time “consuming” my media instead of watching LE consuming my NTFS file system 😂

    Connect up the damaged disk to your Ubuntu laptop and try running Test Disk. You’ll get a far better insight into what exactly is going on.

    Interesting. Had I known about this, I wouldn't have bought the 128GB, but then again they were very cheap haha. Guess I'll try to snag a 32GB one. But this shouldn't interfere with playback should it? I mean I had this issue on I believe an 8GB or 16GB SD card too.

    Who knows but it really does pay to do a search first. So many posting these days without doing one first.

    They weren’t random links. They were pointers to your error code which I assume you didn’t see the relevance in. Don’t worry I won’t be doing that again 😠

    I’ve no idea how you are carrying out those measurements or what metrics you applied. It all appears quite arbitrary.

    The fact that the problem doesn’t appear on a PC would indicate a power issue on the board. Btw you didn’t include a full log which is normally required before anyone even looks at your issue.

    It works now. Thank you very much to all of you.

    maybe it was because of USB power setting...

    Maybe it conflicted with other USB devices, namely the MELE F1 Remote. (I had accidentally two plugged in)

    You’ve very little power overhead available with the stick plugged in. You may experience problems again. Keep as little other devices plugged into the RPI as possible. Again consider a powered USB hub if it does.