Posts by elonesna

    I have tried to use the LibreELEC Chrome addon but have abandoned the idea. Using a browser with a resolution of 1980x1080 (2K) or 4K on a TV 2.5 m away with a remote control and with children requesting cartoons or your wife requesting another TV channel is a difficult task.

    In the end I installed a docker container with jlesage/firefox image with detailed information from and everything works fine. The firefox browser is accessible from any device at the address http://<libreelec_ip>:5800 and the remote mode works very well from a tablet and even from a smartphone. Normally this container is stopped and I start it from portainer when necessary, that is, almost never :D:D:D

    Everything seems to be fine, your RPi simultaneously uses the IP on the ethernet interface, and the IP on the tether interface. For tether clients, their gateway must be Probably the problem is in the lack of a bridge between ethernet and tether, you could try with the commands:

    echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

    iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

    iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o tether -j ACCEPT

    iptables -A FORWARD -i tether -o eth0 -j ACCEPT

    (replace tether and eth0 with the interface names of your device)

    ... and want to enable an access point to connect to the internet. I can create the AP but when I connect it says "No internet access". How do i fix this?

    Bearing in mind that I do not know RPi, with the information you give I can only give advice:

    - Does DHCP work in tether? If it does not work, have you correctly assigned IP clients, gateway and DNS manually?

    - Does the bridge between the tether interface and the ethernet interface work? If it does not work, then it is necessary to add iptables commands at LibreELEC startup.

    If you think that the activation of tether as an access point is difficult then it is better to forget about that. There are few cases this is useful.

    Forget Miracast, it is proprietary software, LibreELEC will never be able to receive the screen of your android phone or send it to your Smart TV.

    If you want to use this go to the Google store, there you can find what you are looking for.

    A few days ago I launched the Kodi DLNA server for my media library and it worked great, to share TV via DLNA I needed to install an old xupnpd-iptv-one server with docker, and it worked fine too, but it was necessary to load the TV channel list on /storage/.config/ Now I have replaced these two services with just one, jellyfin, installed with docker, and everything works better. Smart TVs and VLC do not need anything to access LibreELEC's multimedia and TV services. To avoid overloading the processor, all scheduled tasks of jellyfin are scheduled from 5 to 7 in the morning.

    When the user connects to the network he can access and see all shares defined on the network

    What you want I don't know how to do it in openvpn but I can do it in zerotier. Zerotier is a service that creates an additional network interface on a device and manages a private virtual network accessible from anywhere on the internet. If we connect a second device to our virtual private network then we can establish communication links between the two devices. The second device only sees the first device but does not see any other device or anything related to the local network of the first device. This is the default setting.

    In zerotier we can also establish a bridge on any connected device to have access to its local network, in a unidirectional way (zerotier towards the ethernet / wireless interface) or absolutely bidirectional to relay EVERYTHING that happens in our local network to the zerotier network. This is done with simple iptables commands.

    Maybe zerotier, because its flexibility, is the solution to your problem.

    Try running the SSH command:

    route add -net netmask gw

    Note: I am surprised by the first and third tun0 routings ( Genmask, I do not know what they mean or what they are intended for. Don't forget to thoroughly review the openvpn server configuration.

    To cancel the modifications, restart the device.

    I don't use openvpn and I can't explain the problems you have, but with my zerotier network I always have to apply a linux routing command with delayed start (long enough for LE to establish the VPN interface) in to redirect all traffic to the remote VPN point

    The command I use is

    route add -net netmask gw <remote-gateway-private-ip>

    where <remote-gateway-private-ip> has to belong to a domain shared with your device, you will be able to see your domains with the ifconfig command. If I do not use this command, the Internet output is carried out through my local geographic IP and only VPN is used to connect with remote servers. After using this command, all internet outings are carried out from the geographic IP of the remote servers (obviously the VPN server device has to have a bridge established with the internet exit interface).

    This may also be the solution to your problem of using local IP addresses instead of Italian IP addresses.

    echo "sleep 30s" >> /storage/.config/

    ^ this is wrong, it should be "30" not "30s"

    Sorry, I like the simple rules, the scripts naming the shell and as executable files, and the sleep command always with the suffix [s, m, h, d], and always checking that they work because there are too many linux that do not follow the rules.

    explain me StepByStep

    You need a quick linux course, there are many on the internet, you will have no trouble finding one.

    For the moment, type the following commands from an SSH console connected to LE to create your file:

    echo "#!/bin/sh" > /storage/.config/
    echo "sleep 30s" >> /storage/.config/
    chmod +x /storage/.config/
    reboot # to test

    I do not understand what the problem is. My question is where do you install the VPN client? If you are installing it on a tether client, for example, there should be no problem and you should follow the instructions above. Otherwise, you must repeat the previous steps with the VPN service installed and do an analysis again.

    There is no reason for your VPN provider to block the connection unless it counts the number of connected devices. The provider has no means of knowing if you are using tether or not, it can only count the number of connected devices with the same public IP address.

    Your device has the address on the eth0 interface whose domain matches the router.

    Your device also has the address on the tether interface.

    Your device knows that the exit route to the internet is because the router told it through dhcp or you told it with the manual address assignment.

    For a device in the domain to know how to go to the internet, it will be necessary to establish a route to This is done by manually setting the tether connection parameters (gateway = for the device But this is not enough because it is also necessary to bridge For example like this in the device:

    # bridge tether <-> eth0

    echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

    echo 2 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/rp_filter

    iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

    iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o tether -j ACCEPT

    iptables -A FORWARD -i tether -o eth0 -j ACCEPT

    I have not seen sensitive information. You have a lot of interfaces which is normal when docker is installed. That there is more than one gateway is also normal but there will only be one gateway that has an Internet connection, it will be the router.

    If you want to establish a route to the internet for unresolved IP addresses you can write:

    route add -net netmask gw <router-ip>

    Another thing: The interfaces of a device (which can be many) do not see each other, to do this you have to establish forwarding rules (iptables commands). If you want the rules to be absolutely bidirectional you have to remove "iptables -A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED, ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT" and put instead "iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o <interface> -j ACCEPT ".

    If you have problems with docker services, they can be solved very easily by adding the parameter "--net=host" during the creation of the container, in this case the listening ports of the service can interfere with those of LE.

    More examples:

    Suppose device wants to access device Both domains and join in a third device with two interfaces and addresses and

    In the device, a routing rule must be established "route add -net netmask gw". And in the device and we will have to establish forwarding rules to create a bridge between domains.