1. I am using the "command addon" for kodi and tried to start emulationstaion with this commands:
a. system.exec ('/usr/bin/emulationstation.sh')
b. just with the command emulationstation
Itś weird, sometimes emulationstation is starting into the main emulationstation screen where you can choose
your games, but if trying to start a game it will result in a black screen.
Sometimes i am getting the black screen even before i can see the emulationstation startup screen.
In both cases nothing for could follow up why it is like this in the kodi.log or kodi craslog.
2. Here you can find a description for how to compile the makemkv addon. It is described for OpenElec, but in my opinion
also should work by the same way for LibreElec:
www.makemkv.com • View topic - Howto: Create working OE-BluRay player