Posts by DugieHowsa

    Greetings. I have started to notice a memory leak in LibreELEC 9.0.2 / KODI v18

    Hardware Specs:

    /usr/lib/kodi/kodi.bin --version

    18.2 Git:18.2-Leia Media Center Kodi

    I came across a few discussions about memory leaks in the v18.2 RC and v19, but nothing about the 18.2 release.

    top - 10:37:05 up 7 days, 16:18,  1 user,  load average: 1.66, 0.52, 0.29
    Tasks: 126 total,   1 running,  70 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
    %Cpu(s):  2.0 us,  1.3 sy,  0.2 ni, 58.4 id, 38.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.1 si,  0.0 st
    KiB Mem : 56.9/3908132  [||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||                               ]
    KiB Swap:  0.0/0        [                                                                         ]
      PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND
    31722 root      20   0 2720152 1.046g  14572 S   5.5 28.1   1962:04 kodi.bin

    I have been tracking memory utilization of the kodi.bin process, and it has increased almost 10x in less than a week.

    Kodi.log (split in 2).



    Memory Utilization log

    Full LibreELEC log package

    How were you able to disable the addon because in Safe mode it isn't installed and thus is stable ? I am stuck in a loop where the reboots and Kodi restarts occur faster than I can do anything in normal mode.

    Upon one of the reboots into normal mode, I was able to quickly go to the PROGRAMS menu and disable the addon. I didn't think of deleting the actual files. I'll have to remember that for next time.

    I too was 2 version behind on the addon. I know the addon author had discussed the challenges of auto-updating the addon for Linux, but the possibility for the feature to be enabled in LibreELEC seemed promising.

    This is the second time this addon has caused KODI to crash.


    I came home from work today to find my LibreELEC 9.0.2 x86_64 running in safe mode. It looks like KODI is crashing and restarting. I rebooted the server to see if would boot normally. Kodi would start successfully, and then crash and restart. After a few crashes, LibreELEC would start in safe mode again.

    I tried to pull a CORE file referenced in the CRASH log, but it appears that they were cleared out.

    Hardware specs:





    Here is the Stack Trace from the first Crash Log of the evening.


    Here is the Kodi.log for the 8 hours before the first crash.


    Could not fit entire Kodi.log into single hastebin post, so I had to split it into two parts.

    Part 1 - hastebin

    Part 2 - hastebin

    Full Log Archive attached to ticket in case needed for more detailed analysis.

    Has anyone else started to experience memory leaks with Plex Media Server since the 1.15 release (released March 2019)? I have found that my system had become quite unstable since upgrading. This week, I downgraded to, and my system has been much more stable ever since.

    OS: Linux (LibreELEC 9.0.1 x86_64)

    Linux Kernel Version: 4.19.23

    Kodi Version: 18.1

    Hardware specifications:

    CPU: Core i3-6100

    RAM: 4GB

    Graphics: Intel Corporation HD Graphics 530

    Network: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller

    Storage: 1 TB Western Digital SATA 5400 RPM

    I have started to notice that KODI has been restarting in the middle of the night. The "uptime" command from the CLI confirmed that the operating system did not reboot, but the settings -> system info stats in the KODI GUI indicated a more recent restart.

    Here are the most recent entries from the /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi_crash.log. Is anyone able to determine from this log what is causing the problem?

    NOTE: The kodi_crash_log was too large to upload to a paste site, even when split into individual entries, so it has been compressed and attached here.


    You didn't list your hardware or network specs. You should post your logs to a pastebin site, not here.

    LibreELEC packages up all of the relevant log files (including Kodi logs, kodi crashes, and hardware information) into a handy archive. I assumed that the purpose of that is to be able upload the archive here, instead of linking to several pastebins, or saving the support archive to a dropbox and then adding another link. Am I misunderstanding the purpose of these log files and that ability to upload attachments to this forum?

    OS: Linux (LibreELEC 9.0.1 x86_64)

    Linux Kernel Version: 4.19.23

    Kodi Version: 18.1

    Within the past month, I have upgraded from LE 8.2.5 t0 9.0.1. Since then. I have noticed that after 3-4 days of uptime, the KODI UI becomes laggy, and then completely unresponsive. I attempt to SSH into the system, but I cannot get to the CLI. In order to return the system to normal operations, I need to physically power off the machine. After a reboot, the server works fine for a few days until the process needs to be repeated.

    TOP output from a screen shot, but I had to wait a few minutes for the SSH session to establish and TOP to run.

    Logs Attached.

    OS: Linux (LibreELEC 9.0.1 x86_64)

    Linux Kernel Version: 4.19.23

    Kodi Version: 18.1

    File format: 1080p/MPEG-2 , .ts file

    I have noticed that ever since upgrading to LE version 9 / Kodi v18 from LE version 8.2.5 / Kodi v17, certain video playback has been choppy. The latest example is the following file:

    /storage/dvr/Arrow (2012)/Season 07/Arrow (2012) - S07E17 - Inheritance.ts

    The video is not choppy during the entire playback of the file, but only certain portions. It appears to happen mostly while there is camera motion.

    Debug was enabled while video file was played. The issue appears to happen mostly with DVR recordings from US networks CW and NBC. I haven't noticed issues with recordings from US networks ABC, CBS.

    I had originally tried the folks over in the KODI forum, but I was not able to replicate the issue in the WINDOWS version or the ANDROID version of KODI, so I decided to search for assistance here.


    Video File

    Just wanted to check to see if anyone else had an issue updating the latest PMS release. I had been successfully using this script for the past 18 months, when it failed when trying to update to version

    I found that data.tar.gz file contained in the .deb file had changed to data.tar.xz. A quick change in the script, and everything worked as expected.

    tar -xvf data.tar.xz

    The following warning appears in the Medusa Warning Logs:

    Where do I enter the knowit command to point it to /usr/bin/ffmpeg? Or is there a way I can change the default setting? I did not see any reference to ffmpeg in the config.ini.