Hello jernej
I installed this image "LibreELEC-H3.arm-10.0-nightly-20210301-73c0ce6-orangepi-pc-plus.img" on my Orange pi PC plus, installation work well but when I try to put image on emmc with the script install2emmc I have this erreor :
h3p:~ # install2emmc
U-Boot not found. Please update current installation with board specific update or image first.
It's a fresh install. Is it normal ? Do I need to install image on EMMC via OTG port ?
jernej Another subject, my Pine H64 continue to freeze on a regular basis. As soon as it is idle for some hours, it freeze. No message in log, that's weird. I installed armbian on it and I ran a lot of stress test witout issue so it's not an hardware issue. I don't know what's the problem...
Freeze = "Gui appear on tv screen but unable to interract with it and I'm unable to connect via SSH"