• Hi i have installed libreelec on my rasberry pi 3 and it has been updated over the internet to latest version.
    I have purchased the vc-1 and mpeg2 codecs. I have put the sd card into my card reader on my pc but cant find the
    config.txt file to add the lines required. How do i add the codecs and which files do i edit.

    Can anyone help


  • Hi thanks but i have read that and as i said there does not appear to be a config.txt file
    anywhere on the microsd card. In fact there are only two text files contained in the fat32 partition
    on the card and those below. Non of these files contains any video config information.

    Back to my question which file do i need to edit to install the vc-1 and mpeg2 codec using the
    card reader on my pc.



  • Back to my question which file do i need to edit to install the vc-1 and mpeg2 codec using the
    card reader on my pc.

    The answer's still config.txt - there should be a default one in your flash partition, with most settings #ed out. Not sure what the easiest way to download it would be.
    It's just a .txt file though, you can make it yourself.
    Below is a default openelec config.txt - I haven't updated mine recently, there's probably a libreelec branded one as part of a default install:

  • The answer's still config.txt - there should be a default one in your flash partition, with most settings #ed out. Not sure what the easiest way to download it would be.
    It's just a .txt file though, you can make it yourself.
    Below is a default openelec config.txt - I haven't updated mine recently, there's probably a libreelec branded one as part of a default install:

    Thanks for your reply.

    Thats interesting because the config.txt file you speak of simply does not exist on a standard libreelec installation
    when the microsd card is viewed on a standard pc. Is the file hidden away somewhere, i am not sure where.
    libreelec starts ups and run fine when i put the card back in the pi. The settings must be stored somewhere but
    there is no config.txt file when the card is viewed on my pc.

    I am confused when you say i can create this file.If i create it the then where do i put it, how do i tell the os it exist
    and to read it or does it look for it allready.
    The sd card with libreelec is called RECOVERY on the PC


  • I don't know what you're looking at, but I've just downloaded the stable img.gz for a pi2/3 and written it to a card. It shows up in windows as a Removable Disk (ie no label) and 100% contains a config.txt:

    The config.txt sits in the root of the sd card's FAT partition (ie the one you see in windows).
    You don't need to do anything other than put it there, it will be read on boot.

    Edited once, last by trogggy (July 17, 2016 at 6:39 PM).

  • I don't know what you're looking at, but I've just downloaded the stable img.gz for a pi2/3 and written it to a card. It shows up in windows as a Removable Disk (ie no label) and 100% contains a config.txt:

    The config.txt sits in the root of the sd card's FAT partition (ie the one you see in windows).
    You don't need to do anything other than put it there, it will be read on boot.

    I installed libreelec using the noobs download, it seems noobs does not copy the config.txt file over.
    i have downloaded LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-7.0.2.img.gz file then used win32diskmanager to copy this verion
    to the sd card. This worked fine the config file was copied across this time.

  • Has anybody mentioned that the flash directory is hidden in Windows?

    Also, did you notice the patch for the NOOBS version? NOOBS has always been a suspect way of installing anything. It is easier to get everything directly from the developers.

    Edited once, last by donbrew (July 21, 2016 at 5:20 PM).

  • At least, that's what I've read. I have only SSHd. And I long ago adjusted the view in windows explorer. But I'm guessing that it's true knowing that it is Read Only in Linux.

  • At least, that's what I've read. I have only SSHd. And I long ago adjusted the view in windows explorer. But I'm guessing that it's true knowing that it is Read Only in Linux.

    If you ssh in - or connect via smb - you can change stuff on flash but you have to change the permissions:

    mount -o remount,rw /flash

    If you stick the sd card in a windows pc you see what's on 'flash' (ie the first partition on the sd card) and you can change anything.

    Edit: you won't see 'flash' if you connect to a running machine via windows explorer (ie smb) unless you edit samba.conf in storage/.config to show it. Maybe that's what you had in mind...

    Edited once, last by trogggy (July 21, 2016 at 6:24 PM).