disable addon scraper library

  • hi can someone help or explain the following?

    in add-ons/information providers
    i have disable everything in
    album - except local(as i cannot disable it - option greyed out)

    and if i go into add-ons/system/dependencies
    the following as saying enabled. and there is no way to disable, they are all greyed out
    all music
    python image
    the movie database

    how do i disable all this "stuff".


  • just trying to find out info on what externally libreelec is talking to. if they are disabled in informtion providers, why are they still enabled in dependencies?

    and if you are saying "they don't do anything while they aren't used", what else is using them? how do i turn it all off?

    i just dont need that stuff.

    maybe thats not possible? but thats how i would like to use my libreelec if possible.


  • and if you are saying "they don't do anything while they aren't used", what else is using them? how do i turn it all off?

    You are starting to sound a bit paranoid to me. If you don't want to use any of that 'stuff', then simply don't scrape your videos/music in the Kodi libraries at all. Just use flle browsing for locating and starting your videos or music. And if that is not good enough, then perhaps Kodi is not for you.

  • You are starting to sound a bit paranoid to me. If you don't want to use any of that 'stuff', then simply don't scrape your videos/music in the Kodi libraries at all. Just use flle browsing for locating and starting your videos or music. And if that is not good enough, then perhaps Kodi is not for you.

    you know there are people that just want a simple clean interface. just asking basic function questions and hoping those that know more about kodi can help answer. it has nothing to do with paranoia, got to do with understanding.
    "then simply don't scrape your videos/music in the Kodi libraries at all" what excatly does that mean? how do you not scrape?
    no need to be arrogant.
    did some more hunting(still trying to find my way around). did you mean the "set content"part? found when doing context menu on a folder in video/files, the scrape bit there? if so thanks. helped point me in right direction and google, who new there was a context menu.

    Edited once, last by sab (July 16, 2016 at 10:56 AM).

  • I'm not being arrogant, I'm trying to give simple answers to simple questions.

    If you have looked up what Kodi does as a HTPC application, then you know it can populate your video and music collections along with information and fanart given by external providers. This is what happens when you are 'scraping' your video and/or music collections into Kodi's internal databases. Scraping not only involves movie/music text information, but also fanart, backgrounds and artist thumbnails. Skins for Kodi can use different levels of additional info or getting extra fanart. It's up to you which skins suits your needs best. If you have no clue to what scraping in Kodi means, perhaps this wiki page will help.

    When for whatever reason you are uncomfortable with external access/information, then scraping will probably be useless in your case. Playing videos or music in Kodi via the standard file browser is the only other option. As simple as that.

  • Kodi is intended to be an internet connected application. Some of the default extensions are embedded and thus cannot be disabled or removed unless you custom-build the OS (we have instructions for building, but not for removing default things). If you avoid scraping content to the libraries the only online checks will be for weather, time, and updates to Kodi default and user-installed add-ons. In default config and if scraping is avoided the online activities do not reveal anything personal.

  • it has nothing to do with "personal info" or not wanting to go "online", that seems to be your interruption of my question. it comes down to trying to find out how something works and if "I" dont need it can i get rid of it, there is no point having something run if it is no use(to me). i simply find the extra stuff clutters the screen, so was asking for a way to disable it.

    the fact that i disable the addon in information providers, then in dependencies find it say enables just seemed odd?

    also chewitt thanks for the info about weather was woundering if that could also be turned off, guessing it cannot?(again i dont really need that)

    as Klojum was saying use as "standard file browser", but i just need to figure out how to get that, but there are lots of different places/areas/context menus to look and turn things on or off.

    thanks for your answers.

  • In recent Kodi versions the developers migrated a lot of things out of the core binary into add-ons to improve ease of maintenance. Unless you track the changes it can give the appearance of Kodi having a ton of extras installed, but really the out of box defaults are including the standard stuff needed for an average user. I personally prefer to watch movies instead of hunting around the add-on screens every day looking at what's installed. The default skin in Krypton is changed to focus on video/music add-ons so the infrastructural stuff is more hidden.

    Weather requires you to install an add-on (e.g. Yahoo weather) and configure locations (and home-screen display) in the Skin. If you don't bother with any of those Kodi won't check for weather udpates.