Mount error on reboot

  • *** Error in mount_storage:mount_common. Could not mount /dev/data ***

    ### Starting debugging shell...type exit to quit ###

    sh: can't access tty: job control turned off

    What are my options if any to avoid full reinstall?


  • I know 😕. It happen on the way out to work so was brief. Pi3 as to version it is the latest non-bete release. Think that will make it 8.3 but cannot get into the system to check. Thanks.

  • I have what I believe to be a recent full backup as well as data files backups. Do I take then that there is no magic bullet sort of thing to repair the situation say by inserting the card on my windows pc and performing any procedures that will need to be done? Thanks.

  • This happened also to me while I was trying to boot from a hdd connected to my Rpi2..I have a partition named "STORAGE" formatted to ext4....cmd line is "boot=/dev/mmcblk0p1 disk=LABEL=STORAGE quiet"

    Got a similar error cannot find storage and sh: can't access tty: job control turned off

    Solved...problem was I had the old sd storage still mounted in ended up with a conflict...renamed the new storage partition from storage to storagehdd...changed cmdline and all booted fine to new location

    Edited once, last by Mario77 (August 26, 2017 at 12:59 PM).